Legacy Conference' 22

PANEL 12-A: Guerrilla warfare and counterinsurgency at the crossroads of the late modern period: global impacts, material traces, and memories

DAY 21

AULA / ROOM 212 | 9 - 11 h


Arnau Fernández Pasalodos (arnaupasalodos@gmail.com)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Luis A. Ruiz Casero (ruiz.casero@gmail.com)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Xurxo Ayán (xurxoayan@fcsh.unl.pt)
Instituto de História Contemporânea–Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

David Alegre Lorenz (david.alegre.lorenz@gmail.com)
Universitat de Girona

Fueled both by the changing and varied strategies of the guerillas to achieve their goals and the diff erent responses of the authorities to combat them, the nature and dynamics of irregular war aff ect the whole reality, from the economic, social and environmental practices to family relationships passing through oral culture, forms of social control, physical and mental health, the emotional and sensitive level, cultural codes and the everyday habits. This workshop seeks to explore and analyze all kinds of traces that irregular wars leave behind them. We invite paper submissions in that direction at any time or latitude from the second half of the 18th century to the present, taking into account specially those ones that address the way in which irregular wars have taken place during the late modern period and how they have aff ected the communities concerned; the different  perceptions about them, how these change at a diff erent time within each society; or also how they have shaped our world, in what way become evident in the archaeological record, in the collective memory and the public discourses about the past.


1. La domesticación de la montaña. Nacionalización y capitalismo en la lucha contraguerrillera en la frontera pirenaica (1944-1952).
Miguel Alonso Ibarra. UNED

2. El Molino de las guerrillas. Un estudio arqueológico de una base guerrillera de la Guerra Civil Española.

Pablo Gutiérrez de León. Incipit; CSIC

3. La guerra de guerrillas durante la Guerra Civil en la Comarca de Molina de Aragón- Alto Tajo.
Alan Herchhoren. Investigador independent


4. «Sale a la luz nuestro periódico mural. Hagamos de él un guion que nos guíe en la lucha contra el Franquismo». Análisis de los periódicos muralesdel Ejército Guerrillero de Galicia (1947-1948).
Mario Bueno Aguado. Univ. Carlos III, Madrid


5. Arqueología y antropología de la vida cotidiana de la guerrilla: una mirada comparativa entre la resistencia italiana y la guerrilla  antifranquista.
Carlos Tejerizo-García; Riccardo Santeramo

Giulia Bizzarri. Lab. Archeologia e Storia Ambientale, Univ. degli Studi, Genova.
Francesco Marchetti. Investigador independent