Balma del Cingle de l’Aigua
Xert (Baix Maestrat, Castelló)
Dídac Roman (UJI/PRE-EINA)
Field work
The site was discovered in the late 1970s by Vicent Meseguer, who in 1981 made a 20 cm-deep survey in which he recovered a small batch of materials that he linked to the Mesolithic period.
A review of the materials led us to think that the site could be a little earlier than the proposed dates, so we conducted an excavation in 2006.
The materials recovered are abundant, with a lithic industry dominated by backed elements, scrapers and notched or denticulated pieces. The recovery of a small batch of geometric elements is worth mentioning because it allows us to assign the site to the Late Epimagdalenian/Sauveterrian period, about 12,500 years ago.
ROMAN, D. 2010. Nuevos datos para la transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno: el abrigo del Cingle de l’Aigua (Xert, Baix Maestrat, País Valenciano). Zephyrus LXVI
ROMAN, D. 2012. Nouveautés sur la séquence du Pléistocène final et l’Holocène initial dans le versant méditerranéen de la Péninsule Ibérique à travers l’industrie lithique. L’Anthropologie 116-5.