Site: Les Esplugues and Pui de Segur.

Campaigns: 2017 to present.

Directors: Walter Alegría.

Description: This is a double site with two very different sectors, relatively distant from each other: the troglodytic habitat of Esplugues de Segur and the habitat of Sant Miquel del Pui.

Les Esplugues de Segur

It is a medieval troglodytic habitat historically documented from the tenth century but with probable earlier phases of occupation. Located at the foot of the Roca Foradada crag, just above the remains of the ancient church of Sant Miquel del Pui, it has a length of over 100 meters and currently consists of stone walls that delimit the various areas, as well as a water point inside.

In the various campaigns carried out, two areas have been excavated, in which levels of demolition and natural sedimentation of the cave have been found, with the presence of materials of different chronologies, ranging from the Early Bronze Age to the Medieval period.

Pui de Segur

At the foot of the hermitage of San Miguel del Pui we find the remains of the ancient uninhabited area of Pui de Segur, a space of settlement of feudal times, probably a closed villa, which retains numerous structures currently covered by a powerful level of demolition. The excavation work carried out has allowed us to bring to light several rooms located next to the enclosing wall of the settlement and begin to define its possible urban planning, with the identification of some streets and accesses to the houses.

The materials found correspond to the levels of abandonment of the settlement (XIV-XV centuries), a time that coincides with the growth and consolidation of towns like La Pobla de Segur. Several fragments of blue ceramics from Valencia stand out, as well as fragments of kitchen utensils.

Categories: Intervencions