With the aim of boosting the Institute’s Working Papers collection (WP-IREA) and stimulating the most junior researchers, 4 awards of 500 euros have been granted to the best WP-IREA of the year. The four winning documents will be presented at the Institute’s annual conference that will take place next May.
Congratulations Ignacio Garrón, Bernat Mallén, Maria Marino and M. Cristina López-Mayán!!!
2022/23 “In-group bias in preferences for redistribution: a survey experiment in Italy“. Bruni R., Gioffré A. and Marino M. 2022. 106 pag.
2022/08 “Daily Growth at Risk: financial or real drivers? The answer is not always the same“. Chuliá H., Garrón I. and Uribe J.M. 2022. 53 pag.
2022/05 “Does geographical exposure to language learning centres matter in a bilingual city?“. Di Paolo A. and Mallén B. 2022. 41 pag.
2022/03 “Pictures are worth many words: Effectiveness of visual communication in dispelling the rent–control misconception“. Brandts J., Busom I., Lopez-Mayan C. and Panadés J. 2022. 49 pag.