Institut de Recerca en Educació

XXI International Congress EDUTEC

EDUTEC International Congress is held at the University of Lleida on October 24th, 25th and 26th, 2018 under the slogan EDUcation with TECnology: a Social Commitment.

“A social commitment” synthesizes the trajectory and evolution of the 20 previous editions of the congress that have always been oriented to promote -with a critical, social and transforming approach- the scientific exchange of research, innovations and experiences developed in the field of Educational Technology.

This edition focuses its attention on sharing the advances and contributions that researchers, experts, professionals and other social agents make to education, to an education with technology, with a view to promoting digital citizens competent in the personal, professional and social spheres, and to achieve a sustainable and inclusive technological development for all of them in an increasingly connected society.


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