Institut de Recerca en Educació

V webinar: Digital technologies in the new ecologies of learning. Revista Catalana de Pedagogia, 28th of november

Dear all,

From the Revista Catalana de Pedagogia we invite you to participate in our V webinar: “Digital technologies in the new ecologies of learning” on November 28th, 2023,  from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Click on the link below to join the webinar:

Access code: 3R8Bm1

V WEBINAR OF THE REVISTA CATALANA DE PEDAGOGIA: Digital technologies in the new ecologies of learning.

This seminar aims to gather contributions that, from research or experiences and in terms of pedagogical reflection, highlight the role of digital technologies in the transformation of formal educational practices. As well as in informal learning experiences, at any time of life and contemplating groups of different nature. Works that highlight the contribution of digital technologies in the development of an empowered, participatory and critical cybercitizenship, as well as contributions that reveal the presence of certain barriers in the use of technologies.

From this perspective, this webinar will focus on three of the latest published articles:

Ocampos, A. M. J., Fuertes-Alpiste, M., & Rubio Hurtado, M. J. (2023). Challenges of the Accelerated Implementation of Online Education in Paraguay’s Higher Education. Catalan Journal of Pedagogy, 23(1), 3–24.

de la Fuente Castellón, R. M. (2023). A smart city for a more sustainable world: educational transformation from practice to the classroom. Catalan Journal of Pedagogy, 23(1), 44–62.

Beneyto Seoane, M., Simó-Gil, N., Bosch-Geli, C., & Reig-Bolaño, R. (2023). Recognizing diversity to improve digital access. Fundamentals and actions of the Digital Social Innovation Laboratory. Catalan Journal of Pedagogy, 23(1), 63–79.

ARTICLE 1: Challenges of the accelerated implementation of online education in higher education in Paraguay

In Paraguay, the accelerated context of change from face-to-face learning methodology to e-learning was established by the National Council for Higher Education (CONES) in a situation in which most higher education institutions in the world applied emergency remote teaching (ERT)). The rapid implementation of this palliative modality generated challenges in terms of the development of digital skills, pedagogical practices, educational policies and investment related to infrastructures and the digital divide. This research aims to assess the impact of the implementation of e-learning in Paraguayan higher education adopted in an emergency context and its sustainability in Paraguay. Thus, thirteen open interviews were conducted by video call (n 13) with professors working in fifteen different institutions. The data collected was qualitatively analyzed with Atlas-ti. The results revealed eight interrelated categories, in different ways of influencing the relationships between the three main actors: institutions, students and their faculty. The main categories that emerged were adaptation and implementation, gaps in digital skills, access to infrastructure, self-regulation, skills development, lack of institutional policy, emotional issues and socio-economic problems. Some of these issues interact with others and are relevant to be able to allow, maintain or offer different types of online learning methodologies, and point out requirements that Paraguayan educational society must reinforce from the voice of its actors.

ARTICLE 2: A smart city for a more sustainable world: educational transformation from practice in the classroom.

The future of cities cannot be understood without the involvement of citizens and the generation of innovation ecosystems in which learning processes and active participation can be developed. The school has the unwavering commitment to promote spaces for personal and social experimentation for students, generational change of the community, and to accompany each child on their journey towards their maximum horizons of educational success.

This article presents a research in action based on a teaching and learning experience focused on the design of a smart and sustainable  city, a smart city, following models of reflection-action in an educational center. During one term, sixth grade students of the Espai-3 public school carry out a guided and creative process for the construction of a technologically enriched city, deepening in the STEM methodology (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) – STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics). The main objective is to work collaboratively in equity to promote interest in technological and scientific studies with a humanistic orientation, especially among girls. In heterogeneous groups of boys and girls, students have identified the problems of their environment, have reflected on possible solutions with design methodologies and have hypothesized about possible solutions. Through creative planning, from the design thinking model, boys and girls have followed processes of active learning (or learning by doing) and have subsequently evaluated the results. This activity has been nominated finalist in the mSchools Student Awards organized jointly by Citilab and the Department of Education in 2022.

ARTICLE 3: Recognizing diversity for the improvement of digital access. Fundamentals and actions of the Digital Social Innovation Laboratory

Digital technologies have been part of our daily lives extensively for more than a decade. Although material access to technology has become increasingly popular, part of the population is still at risk of digital exclusion. Faced with this pretext, this article describes the foundations and actions of the Digital Social Innovation Laboratory (LISD) of the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC), which is committed to the development of inclusive digital practices and, through action research, accompanies processes of digital and social improvement with and for the community, specifically the young population. The methodology used aims to recognize the socio-digital needs of the territory and work, together with the community, in the construction of improvement actions from a pedagogical perspective. Along these lines and so far, the LISD has worked on four actions for the development of digital skills of young people, especially the most vulnerable, and the exchange of knowledge between people from different contexts. The results show that it is necessary to orient the function of the LISD towards the implementation of contextual systemic actions linked to facilitating access and use of technologies, as well as the development of digital skills with the population of the municipality.

See you there!

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