Tools to improve the impact of the search

To advance in the research it is important to expand the dissemination of the projects that are developed, beyond the publication of scientific articles in specialized journals. It is increasingly necessary that researchers show and disseminate the results of their work.

The traditional system of evaluation of research is in the process of changing towards other metrics such as the use or download of articles, the citations, as well as the diffusion and visibility in social networks.

In this line, Bernard Becker Medical Library proposes a set of tools and strategies to improve the impact of research. Among the strategies include:

  • Establish and monitor your presence.
  • Utilize strategies for “discoverability”.
  • Present, participate and collaborate.
  • Consider multiple avenues of dissemination for various audiences.
  • Document your activities.
  • Ensure that your research products are citable.
  • Track your work.
  • Go beyond numbers to tell your story.


Image: Geralt. CC0 Creative Commons