Institut de Recerca en Educació

The UB is once again the only state university among the top 200 in the world in the Shanghai ranking

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According to the new edition of the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), better known as the Shanghai ranking, the UB is the only state university ranked among the top 200 in the world according to the criteria established by this prestigious ranking. The ARWU analyzes about 1,800 universities around the world and publishes the ranking of the 1000 best. On the other hand, the UB also remains the first state university in the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) ranking published in July.

Once again, the world ranking is led by American universities. The first positions are for Harvard and Stanford, while Cambridge is third. In total, Spain places 13 centers among the top 500 universities in the world. The Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​the Complutense University of Madrid, the University of Granada and the University of Valencia are located within section 201-300. The Autonomous University of Madrid and the Pompeu Fabra University remain in segment 301-400.

The great scientific production of the UB in indexed articles and the high level of publications in Nature and Science are a determining factor in the reference position of the UB. The Shanghai ranking is based on the analysis of bibliometric data in six indicators: the number of relevant awards (Nobel, Fields medal) that have been obtained by the students and faculty of the universities, the most cited researchers in the 21 research areas which determines the Thomson ISI (Institute for Scientific Information), articles published in Nature and Science, articles registered to the Science Citation Index- * Expanded (SCIE) and the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and, finally, academic efficiency depending on the dimensions of the institution (productivity).

This year the methodology for calculating the indicator of the most cited researchers, the Clarivate Analytics- * Highly Cited Researchers, has changed and the Cross-Field category has been introduced with the aim of including influential researchers in different disciplines at the same time and assessing interdisciplinarity. This methodological change has largely influenced the changes in positions in this year’s ranking. For more information, follow this link.

In the CWUR ranking, the UB occupies the 129th position worldwide. The following Spanish universities that appear in the ranking are the UAB (195) and the Complutense University of Madrid (249).

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