Teaching materials for civic education

DHiGeCS research group (Didactics of History, Geography and other Social Sciences) presents the box of didactic materials that it has produced for citizenship training.

It is the result of a research led by Dr. Joaquín Prats, who has developed in the framework of the R+D+i project: «Development of sociopolitical training for a democratic citizenship: design and implementation of didactic materials in Social Sciences».



The box gathers materials for five teaching units:

– Women and industrial revolution (4th ESO)
Objective: Address the industrial revolution from a gender perspective.

– Totalitarianism and democracy (4th ESO)
Objective: Reflect on contemporary political regimes.

– Athens: The origin of democracy (1st ESO)
Objective: Illustrate the different forms of social and citizen participation.

– The Maze: We and them (4th ESO)
Objective: To orient students in concepts such as personal and group identity, slavery, prejudice, discrimination or human rights.

– The loves of my life (3rd ESO)
Objective: Reflect on the concept of love.