Institut de Recerca en Educació

Resolution of the 1st International Award for Educational Research

The winners for the 1st International Award for Educational Research, which is aimed at educational researchers, teachers and academics, as well as educational research groups, are now known.

A total of 13 applications from 5 countries were submitted and the jury made up of representatives from 6 institutes, evaluated each of the projects on the basis of the criteria indicated in the call for applications. Each project was evaluated by 3 institutes. The resolution has been announced at the IRED’21 Conference by the director of the IRE, Dr Antonio Bartolomé, and is as follows:

International Prize for Educational Research, Young Researchers Category

CARME TRULL OLIVA (Department of Pedagogy, University of Girona). She presented the thesis “The empowerment of young people with a cohabitation measure in an open educational group. Analysis of the socio-educational task and design of strategies for intervention in the juvenile justice system”.

International award for educational research, consolidated groups modality.

Group of Studies and Educational Research in Communication Technologies, Guidance and Sociocultural Intervention [ÁGORA] directed by Dr José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez, from the University of Huelva. The following projects were presented:

  1. State R&D project: Youtubers and Instagrammers: media competition in emerging prosumers.
  2. State R&D project: Media competences of citizens in emerging digital media (smartphones and tablets): innovative practices and educommunicative strategies in multiple contexts.
  3. European Union project: Media in Action.

The jury highly appreciates the other candidates and thanks them for their participation.


Announcement of the results by Dr Antonio Bartolomé:




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