Research and teaching stay of Professor Alicia Álvarez de León at the Institute for Educational Research

Professor Alicia Álvarez de León, from the University of the Republic of Uruguay (Udelar), is carrying out a research and teaching stay at the Grup de Recerca en Interacció i Influència Educativa (GRINTIE), invited by Dr. Anna Engel, and will also join the Institut de Recerca en Educació (IRE) as a visiting researcher. 

Alicia Álvarez de León holds a degree in Psychology from Udelar and a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology from the Interuniversity Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology (MIPE) coordinated by the University of Barcelona. She is a teacher and co-coordinator of the Central Team of Work with University Students in Deprivation of Liberty, within the framework of the Programme of Support to Learning (Progresa) of the Sectorial Commission of Education (CSE) of the Udelar.

Her research work is related to the exploration and deepening of aspects related to the Psychology of Education in the context of the information and communication society, with a special interest in personal learning trajectories, the use of digital technologies in education, the personalisation of learning and the construction of the learner’s identity. She is currently working on a doctoral thesis entitled Personal Digital Learning Environments and the construction of Learner Identity. A study on university students, directed by Dr César Coll and Dr Leonardo Peluso.