Institut de Recerca en Educació

REDICE-22: Call for applications for university research grants

With the aim of supporting research projects that contribute to generating and disseminating knowledge about university teaching, the REDICE-22 grants are announced. The beneficiaries are teams coordinated by a lecturer, with the condition that they hold a PhD and have a full-time contract at the University of Barcelona.

Each grant will have a maximum of €3,000 and can be applied for between 25 April and 6 May 2022. The grant period ends on 24 November 2023.

The call has two modalities:

Modality A: teams coordinated by a professor who must hold a PhD and be fully associated with the University of Barcelona.

Modality B: institutional projects coordinated by deans, heads of studies and coordination of official master’s degrees at the University of Barcelona.


All the information about the call for applications can be found at:

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