Participation in the Vth International Congress Word in Education

Marta Gràcia, coordinator of the group CLOD and Principal Investigator of the project “Support systems for teacher decision-making (SSD) and the development of linguistic competence “(EDU201563616-P), and other team researchers presented a paper and two oral communications to the Vth International Congress Word in Education, held at the Abat Oliba CEU University (Barcelona) on 25 and 26 January. The congress brought together international experts in education, educational philosophers, psychologists, philologists, art historians and academics from the theater around of the central role of the word in the educational context.

She presented a guest lecture entitled “The EVALOE-SSD as a teacher decision-making tool to convert the kindergarten and primary education classrooms into communicative environments”. The same researcher and different members of the team also presented the oral communications entitled “Self-evaluation and decision-making of teachers of schools of different types on communicative and linguistic interactions in the classroom” and “Self-evaluation and decision-making of teachers on the communicative and linguistic interactions in the classroom”.

In all the presentations, different results related to the project being developed were presented, focused on the design, construction and validation of a digital system of formative evaluation and decision making for teachers, the EVALOE-SSD, in relation to the development of the oral communication competence of students in early childhood and primary education, in which schools from Catalonia, Spain, Brazil and Ecuador are participating. The main objective of the project is to help the teachers to reflect on their educational practice and improve it.