New publication: La didáctica de lenguas de par en par. Diálogo entre teoría y práctica.

This work is a tribute. A well-deserved recognition to Ernesto Martín Peris, creator of resources and exceptional Spanish as a second or foreign language methodology innovator. The academic and professional record of Ernesto Martín Peris is as wide and varied as his passion and contributions in the field of L2 Spanish. Among other responsibilities and positions, we could highlight that

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22nd International Congress EDUTEC 2019

Under the theme “Technology and innovation for the diversity and quality of learning”, and at the initiative of the Association for the Development of Educational Technology and New Technologies Applied to Education, the 22nd International Congress EDUTEC will take place in October 23 and 24 at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. The purpose is to generate a space for

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New book: Pedagogías Emergentes en la Sociedad Digital

This book arises as an initiative of the faculty of the subject ‘Environments, Processes and Technological Resources for Learning” of the degree of Pedagogy at the University of Barcelona. It is a selection of chapters written by the students during the course 2018/19. During the formative process, classical and emergent pedagogical proposals were analyzed with the aim of reconstructing and

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Training Course: Specific tools in your work with refugees: Communication, Life Skills and Screening

It is a training course within the framework of the European RESCUE Project addressed to University staff working or interested in working with refugees, asylum seekers or people from conflict zones. You can attend the full four-module course or modules separately. The course will consist of 35 hours of classroom teaching and 24 hours of independent work. It will take

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New book: Buenas prácticas e innovación en pedagogía hospitalaria y domiciliaria.

Mari Cruz Molina Garuz co-publishes this work on educational experiences carried out in schools, hospital classrooms and home care in Europe and Latin America and narrated by the actors involved: teachers, directors and managers.   It is a useful resource that reveals ingredients of good practice and innovation, and helps us to better understand the reality of hospital pedagogy. In

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R&D project awarded to Marta Sabariego Puig and to Ana Maria Novella Cámara.

Marta Sabariego Puig (GREI) and Ana Maria Novella Cámara (GREM) will coordinate the project Childhood and Participation. Diagnosis and Proposals for an Active and Inclusive Citizenship in the Community, Institutions and Governance granted in the call for “R&D Research Challenges” of the R&D State program addressing the Challenges of Society and with reference RTI2018-098821-B-I00.   It is an interuniversity project

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The State Agency for Investigation publishes a schedule for R&D calls and resolutions

The State Agency for Investigation publishes for the first time a schedule with the launch and resolution dates for R&D calls in 2019 and 2020.   The launch and resolution forecast  for calls is presented including a monthly breakdown: dates, handling processes, assessment, allegation, decision and interim and final results. In addition, a faster response in the resolution period is

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Participation in FIET 2019

Antonio Bartolomé (director of IRE), Laura Pons and Carles Lindín, members of the research group Learning, Media and Social Interactions (LMI), participate in the International Forum of Education and Technology (FIET), Barcelona, on May 30, 2019. The International Forum for Education and Technology (FIET), founded in 2014, has established itself as an indespensable opportunity for leading researchers and experts in

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