Open Access Policies at the University of Barcelona

Open Access, as explained to us by the CRAI, is an online, free, immediate, and permanent access to the full text of a scientific or academic article in which the copyright is recognized and which does not affect the review and validation processes.   On 18 February 2009, the Governing Council of the University of Barcelona approved the document The

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Frequently asked questions and recommendations about non-attendance assessment at the UB

Original source:   In the Blog el Tàctic of the department of Teaching Support of the CRAI you will find a series of recommendations to evaluate in a virtual way that will be very useful and that we encourage you to consult.   As answers to frequently asked questions, you will find solutions regarding the number of participants in

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Published the report “Facts and Figures of the Spanish University System (Publication 2019-2020)”

The report presents the most relevant data on the university sector in Spain, focusing on its organizational and economic structure, access, student body and academic personnel. It addresses aspects related to the organization of universities; academic offerings; university entrance exams; the student body, its academic evolution and academic career; the internationalization of education and student mobility; scholarships and grants; financing

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New Publication: Collaborative counselling: influence on the teaching professionals’ conceptions as promoters of children’s communication and language

Reference Vega, F., Gràcia, M. & Riba, C. (2020). Collaborative counselling: Influence on the teaching professionals’ conceptions as promoters of children’s communication and language. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools, 1-19. https://doi:10.1017/jgc.2019.25   Abstract This article presents the results of an action-research project. The project consisted of a reflection process involving a year-long collaboration between a teacher, a teaching assistant and

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Publication: Miradas retro-prospectivas sobre las Tecnologías Educativas

Reference Sancho Gil, J. M., Alonso Cano, C., & Sánchez Valero, J.-A. (2018). Miradas retro-prospectivas sobre las Tecnologías Educativas. Educatio Siglo XXI, 36(2 Jul-Oct), 209-228.   Abstract This article presents the results of an action-research project. The project consisted of a reflection process involving a year-long collaboration between a teacher, a teaching assistant and a speech therapist in a special education

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As a result of the global crisis provoked by Covid-19, the idea emerged among buddies and friends to create a virtual, open, horizontal and collaborative space for dialogue in which some of the challenges we face as a society can be analysed and reflected upon.   Our colleague Pablo Rivera is part of this team of buddies and friends who

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The journal DH/HD of the Faculty of History and Geography of the University of Barcelona launches its first Call for Papers in order to promote reflection on the relationship between the Digital Humanities and libraries at the present time.   This HD/HD monograph aims to Analyze the current situation of Digital Humanities in our country and reflect on the role

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The Ministry of Universities lays the foundation for a reform of university fees

Yesterday the provision was approved which repeals the system of public price brackets for university enrolment introduced in 2012.   The objective of the Ministry of Universities is to reduce the first year’s registration fees for Bachelor’s degrees, in order to progressively reduce the remaining fees for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. In accordance with this objective, the previous regulatory framework

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#ReflexionsUB is a series of short videos in which professors from our University invite us to think about the present moment. This initiative offers the opportunity to listen to expert voices from very diverse fields of knowledge and to learn with them about what is happening, its causes, and its consequences.   You can see the videos at  

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