New project: Media education and information diet as indicators of the capacity for critical analysis of information content in future teachers (MEDIA4Teach)

Group: DHIGeCs (Didactics of History, Geography, and other Social Sciences) Principal Researchers: Lydia Sánchez and Joaquim Prats Project duration: 1 June 2020 to 1 June 2023 Part number: PID2019-107748RB-100 Economic endowment: 37,000€   Description of the project: In the last call for research projects financed by the Ministry of Science, the Media4Teach project (“Media education and the information diet as

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New publication: Are our Future Socio-Educational Agents Duly Prepared to Foster Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue in their Professional Practice?

Authors Ruth Vilà, M. José Rubio & Anna Escofet   Abstract Despite the strong influence of religion in today’s world, religious education at university is rather sparse. Universities must be proactive in overcoming negative prejudices and combating symbolic and religious illiteracy that curbs appreciation of other cultural realities. This paper carries out a diagnosis of future social and educational agents

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XI CIDUI 2020 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM (Online) – Higher Education in the Knowledge Society: Challenges of Hybrid Models – July 1 and 2, 2020

The celebration of the International Congress on University Teaching and Innovation 2020 had to be postponed given the current exceptional circumstances, prioritizing the principle of maximum prudence. The organization has already informed that the XI CIDUI will take place in July 2021, under the title “Beyond competencies: new challenges in the digital society”.   In addition, the XI CIDUI 2020

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New publication: Miradas retro-prospectivas sobre las Tecnologías Educativas

Authors Juana M. Sancho Gil Universidad de Barcelona   Cristina Alonso Cano Universidad de Barcelona   Joan-Anton Sánchez Valero Universidad de Barcelona   Abstract In this article we share a set of reflections and actions that have oriented our academic trajectory. An intertwined itinerary that, for over three decades, has allowed us to assist, contribute and critically analyse the important

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Open Citations consolidates as a non-commercial alternative to traditional citation rates

Click here to see the original news on the Research Observatory‘s website.   OpenCitations is an organization dedicated to the open publication of bibliographic data and citations, as well as to the promotion of open citations. It aims to create and expand an open, downloadable bibliographic corpus that functions as an index of citations, complying with the FAIR data principles

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New publication: La cultura DIY a la universitat. De la proposta del professorat a l’experiència de l’alumnat

Authors Pablo Rivera-Vargas, Joan-Anton Sánchez-Valero, Juana-María Sancho   Abstract Based on the present challenges of university education, this paper analyzes the implementation of the DIY perspective in the teaching and learning processes of the Degree in Pedagogy of the University of Barcelona. The analysis, in addition to including the views of the teaching staff, incorporates the voices of participating students.

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New publication: Fomentando la competencia digital docente en la universidad: Percepción de estudiantes y docentes

Authors Maria Domingo-Coscollola Universitat Internacional de Catalunya   Alejandra Bosco-Paniagua Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona   Sara Carrasco-Segovia Universidad de Barcelona   Joan-Anton Sánchez-Valero Universitat de Barcelona   Abstract This article deals with the project “An inter-university proposal for the initial training of teachers in digital technologies.” In order to prepare it, we examine the views of

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Open Access Policies at the University of Barcelona

Open Access, as explained to us by the CRAI, is an online, free, immediate, and permanent access to the full text of a scientific or academic article in which the copyright is recognized and which does not affect the review and validation processes.   On 18 February 2009, the Governing Council of the University of Barcelona approved the document The

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Frequently asked questions and recommendations about non-attendance assessment at the UB

Original source:   In the Blog el Tàctic of the department of Teaching Support of the CRAI you will find a series of recommendations to evaluate in a virtual way that will be very useful and that we encourage you to consult.   As answers to frequently asked questions, you will find solutions regarding the number of participants in

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