Institut de Recerca en Educació

November 4 and 5: Henry Giroux, Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Marina Garcés’ lectures in streaming at the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona – #IRED19

The 1st International Conference on Research in Education, organised by the Institute for Educational Research of the University of Barcelona, will take place on November 4 and 5.

We announce that the conferences of Henry Giroux, Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Marina Garcés will be available in streaming through any device with Internet access.

04/11/19 9:30 Henry Giroux The role of Educators and Public scholarship in a Time of Tyranny
05/11/19 9:30 Boaventura de Sousa Santos Educar entre el miedo y la esperanza
05/11/19 16:00 Marina Garcés  El contratiempo de la emancipación. Reflexiones desde la Educación


In addition, the following spaces will be available on the Mundet Campus of the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona to follow the lectures live in streaming:

04/11/19 9:30 Henry Giroux The role of Educators and Public scholarship in a Time of Tyranny Aula Magna (Educació) de l’Edifici del Teatre
05/11/19 9:30 Boaventura de Sousa Santos Educar entre el miedo y la esperanza Aula Magna (Educació) de l’Edifici del Teatre
05/11/19 16:00 Marina Garcés  El contratiempo de la emancipación. Reflexiones desde la Educación Sala de graus, Edifici Migdia, pl. 3


We are committed to the democratization of knowledge, one of the great challenges facing the scientific community in the information age.

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