Institut de Recerca en Educació

New publication: Mejorar las prácticas de maestro: un modelo basado en la colaboración y la reflexión conjunta entre la escuela y la universidad

The book “Mejorar las prácticas de maestro: un modelo basado en la colaboración y la reflexión conjunta entre la escuela y la universidad” (“Improving teacher practices: a model based on collaboration and joint reflection between the school and the university”), edited by Dr. Teresa Mauri, Dr. Javier Onrubia and Dr. Rosa Colomina, aims to contribute to the improvement of initial teacher training through a new internship proposal designed based on the current criteria and experiences of training innovation, which coincide in the need to integrate the future teacher in situations and contexts of quality professional practice in order to contribute, with the help of expert professionals, to achieve the goals of improvement and educational change that the internship school intends to carry out. In this process, the intern student is actively involved in joint proposals for inquiry-reflective action on teaching practice, doing so with the help of their tutors, expert professionals from the school and the university, who collaborate in their training. throughout the entire process.

The text presents and explains the bases of the new internship proposal that a joint innovation and research team made up of teachers from the internship schools and the university has progressively designed and implemented in the last 8 years in the Master’s Degree internships. Primary Education at the University of Barcelona, ​​within the framework of successive research and innovation projects. Although the proposal is theoretically based, the book collects in a practical way the structure of joint training collaboration between the school and the university; the planning and monitoring of internships carried out by both tutors, their functions and roles; the different elements and the teaching and research materials prepared and used in the practices, and in their study and analysis. The option of orienting the text in an eminently practical way has the objective of making it easier for the new proposal to be implemented, obviously adapting it to the different conditions presented by the different contexts of internship formation in different schools and universities.

The book is organized in three parts. In the first, the bases of the internship proposal are presented with a professionalizing and reflective sense and in collaboration between school and university. The second part explains how to create a collaborative framework and structure between school and university tutors and addresses their activity with students in reflective tutoring spaces throughout the internship. That is to say, in the Tutor Space, whose purpose is that the tutors of the school and the university can jointly plan and follow the work and activity of the student(s) in internships at the school and agree on specific aid to their needs. work and the autonomous management of their work and professional learning; it also has the function of establishing and advancing the collaboration of the team of tutors who act as co-responsible for the training of the student(s) in the internship school; likewise, in the shared space in which internship students participate in each school with their respective school and university internship tutors; In these spaces, these students have the coordinated, joint and specific help of both tutors, who, in dialogue with the student, carry out feedback on their work, help them relate theory and practice and decide on plans for improvement and future management of it. The third part of the book describes and analyzes the training innovation experience of the practices, and includes the different resources used in the investigation and analysis of the innovation process. These materials can be useful for those professionals who wish to follow the innovation process of practices, regulate it and improve it continuously and, ultimately, analyze their own process of change. The different chapters intersperse ideas with guidelines, instruments and guiding strategies for tutoring and monitoring and formative evaluation of practices.

In short, the book can be useful to those who participate in the design and development of internships: internship coordinators at universities and schools; to the management teams of the centers that believe in their role as trainers of future teachers; and it can also be of help to teachers’ internship tutors at schools and internship tutors at the university. Likewise, we believe that it can be useful to those who investigate teacher training and contribute to its innovation.

Mauri, T., Onrubia, J. y Colomina, R. (ed.) (2021). Mejorar las prácticas de maestro: un modelo basado en la colaboración y la reflexión conjunta entre la escuela y la universidad. Pautas e instrumentos. Madrid: Octaedro

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