Institut de Recerca en Educació

New publication: Education for Intercultural Democratic Citizenship

The professors and researchers of the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona Maria Rosa Buxarrais, Elena Noguera and Francisco Esteban participate in the publication of this work as a result of the Strategic Alliance Education for Intercultural Democratic Citizenship (ERIC+), a project funded by the Erasmus+ programme that began in September 2016 and will end in August 2019.

This transnational strategic alliance is composed of experts from the University of Humanistic Studies, the University of Barcelona, the University of Bath Spa, the University of Helsinki, the Charles University Prague, the University of Tallinn and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

The project aims to educate a new generation of teachers, educational scholars and practitioners who are oriented towards the needs of a future global world, and Europe in particular. It will lead to the inclusion of more dynamic, intercultural, comparative and research-oriented learning in the curriculum of universities.


You can find the book and more information about the project at:

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