New book: The Light University. A critical analysis of our university education.



By Dr. Francisco Esteban Bara, University of Barcelona.




It was time for university education to let go and adapt to the new circumstances; a clean slate. However, we should not be so satisfied.

The raison d’être of this emblematic institution is not only to adapt to the winds that blow in each era and to accommodate the characteristics of the student coming its way at each moment. There are other very important and imperishable issues that today are not considered as they deserve, and this is causing university education to be distorted or, in the best of cases, left half done. Things are not going well if there are students who think that the university is a passing place, if they do not expect anything more than an academic degree that is profitable.

In The light university we find a revealing analysis that points out that the current university education is incomplete, since the opportunity to live the true adventure that it should provide is being lost.



Reference: Esteban-Bara, F. (2019). The Light University. An analysis of our university formation. Paidós.


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