The Institute of Research in Education (IRE), of the Faculty of Education at the Universitat de Barcelona, presents Educación 2020-2022. Retos, tendencias y compromisos, the second book in the collection “Challenges, trends and commitments in education”, which has been coordinated by Teresa Lleixà, Zoia Bozu and Assumpta Aneas.
The volume has twenty chapters organized in three parts: Pedagogical thought and social transformation; The non-university educational system: innovation and inclusion, and The university promoting educational change. Each part is made up of short articles, where the authors identify current educational problems. Analyzing current trends and based on their own research, they establish the commitments that would be necessary to respond to these problems.
The large number of questions that appear here constitute a good prospect for educational research within the IRE-UB for the next biennium. It is hoped that they will also give rise to new concerns that will lead to an effective transfer of research results into the educational environment.
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Miquel Amorós, Alex Egea, Ferran Sànchez-Margalef, Isabel Vilafranca, David Bueno, Anna Forés, Miquel Mar- tínez, Francisco Esteban, Sara Burgada, José Luis Rodríguez-Illera, Antonio Bartolomé, Xus Martín, Carles Vila, Ruth Vilà, Montserrat Freixa, Niella M. Venceslao, Angelina Sánchez-Martí, Assumpta Aneas, Omaira Beltrán, María Cruz Molina, Sebastià Verger, Merce Garcia-Milà, Ana Remesal, Chrysa Rapanta, Fabrizio Macagno, Maria José Rubio, Marc Fuertes-Alpiste, Núria Castells, Marta Minguela, Esther Nadal, Andrea Miralda, Rocío Pérez, Sandra Gilabert, Amelia Tey, Maria Feliu-Torruella, Lorena Jiménez, Josep Gustems, Mercè Navarro, Sílvia Burset, Carolina Martín, Teresa Lleixà, Ignasi Puigdellívol, Merche Ríos, Marta Gràcia, Àngels Morillo, Sonia Jarque, Fàtima Vega, Maria Josep Jarque, Montserrat Freixa, Pilar Figuera, Immaculada Dorio, Sofia Isus, Juan Llanes, Mercedes Torrado, Robert Valls, Marta Venceslao, Beatriz Jarauta, Francesc Imbernon, Serafí Antúnez, Joan-Anton Sánchez, Laura Pons, Elena Cano, Cristina Alonso, Juli Palou, Montserrat Fons, Teresa Mauri, Javier Onrubia, Rosa Colomina, Rosa Sayós, Anna Ginesta, Eugènia Arús, Zoia Bozu, Hervas, Gabriel.