Institut de Recerca en Educació

New article: The development of research competence through service-learning projects. Co-design and validation of a training tool for future education professionals. By Montse Payà, Anna Escofet Roig and Laura Rubio


INTRODUCTION. The competency-based training approach in the university environment favours a continuous interaction between practice and theory. For this it is essential to establish authentic experiences in real contexts, and reflection, debate and open contrast between personal and professional knowledge. Research competence plays a central role in this approach, developing throughout the whole formative process of students in a contextualized way in diverse educational scenarios, which is closely linked to service-learning, understanding that university learning is based on inquiry and research with people and in context.

METHOD. The process of co-design and validation of a tool for the training and evaluation of research competence in the training of future education professionals is presented.

RESULTS. The tool systematizes the sub-competences, indicators and levels of execution of the research competence, and offers orientations for its application.

DISCUSSION. Starting from a perspective that emphasizes questioning and inquiry as the basis of university learning, as well as emphasizing a model of university-environment relationship based on social responsibility, the development of research competence represents a central axis of university education in all its areas and disciplines. Likewise, the incorporation of service-learning projects and other experiential activities can strengthen its development in a decisive way.



Research; Competence; Higher Education; Service-Learning



Payà, M., Escofet Roig, A. & Rubio, L. (2019). El desarrollo de la competencia investigadora a través de los proyectos de aprendizaje-servicio. Codiseño y validación de una herramienta formativa para los futuros profesionales de la educación. Bordón. Revista de Pedagogía71(3), 79-95.

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