Institut de Recerca en Educació

New article: Blockchain possibilities in Education

Antonio Bartolomé and Carles Lindin publish Blockchain possibilities in Education in Education in the Knowledge Society, in which the applications, experiences and utilities of blockchain technology in education are exposed.


The blockchain is a new technology that is breaking through in many fields, and also in the educational system. But it is not a specific technology which you can expect to improve a concrete situation: It is more a technology that allows registering events from an innovative form. And this can be translated into unsuspected changes. After presenting what Blockchain is and some examples of social uses, in the applications currently in use, there is an analysis of the problems to which the technology aims to answer. A review of the most outstanding experiences, all in an early phase of development, leads us to some critical conclusions about its viability.


Bartolomé, A.; Lindín, C. (2018). Posibilidades del Blockchain en Educación. Education in the Knowledge Society, 19(4), 81-93. doi:10.14201/eks20181948193

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