First of all, from the Institute for Research in Education we wish you have enjoyed some well-deserved days of rest and disconnection.
We are starting a new academic year in the face of the uncertainty of continuing in the context of a health crisis. This affects us both in terms of our research projects and the teaching that we have to do. In relation to the latter, the university has published a series of adaptation measures that will surely be of interest to you. However, we must take into account that these measures may change as the situation itself is changing.
– Most of the teaching will be mixed: one part online and the other face-to-face. Each subject is assigned a virtual classroom through the virtual campus. You will find the classroom and the days of the face-to-face classes on the website of your school.
– Continuous evaluation will be encouraged.
– Smaller groups will be organized to respect the safety distances of 1.5 m.
– The schedules have been established so that the classroom activities are grouped in the same days (2/3 days a week).
– The classroom sessions of subjects in the same group will be held in the same room throughout the day.
– Individual protection measures must be respected: mask, safety distance, and hand hygiene.
– Each teacher has assigned certain classrooms with specific entrances and exits of the buildings. At the beginning of the course you will find on the web how to move within the faculty.
On the other hand, here you can consult the Declaration of the Conference of Deans of Education on the Uncertainty of Non-presentiality. This is a plea in favor of presentiality, with which we will more or less agree, but interesting to read anyway.
The challenges overcome in the previous year are a good example of our ability to adapt and reinvent ourselves, so we are sure that this one we are just starting can only be better than the last.