Institut de Recerca en Educació


Today we celebrate the day of the woman and the girl in science. Unfortunately, when we put the focus on any profession related to science, technology, engineering, mathematics, etc., we observe how the percentage of women who dedicate themselves to these areas is much lower than that of men. From the Association of Women Researchers and Technologists (AMIT), is being working to boost the work and visibility of women, which is often disparaged due to the lack of dissemination in the media.
Our responsibility as education professionals can not be greater. We must break molds, roles and stereotypes. Teachers must be able to respond to a range of possibilities that goes from detecting attitudes and sexist comments to encouraging spaces in the center that contemplate the gender perspective. Within this broad spectrum, they should try to look for feminine references and fight until get that the textbooks reflect the important role that many women have had over the years.

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