New deadline: February 8, 2021
The Revista Catalana de Pedagogia (RCP) is a free, open biannual publication of the Catalan Society of Education, a subsidiary of the Institute of Catalan Studies. The main objectives of the RCP are to become a quality platform for the dissemination of research and education and training experiences and to promote debate and educational reflection contributed by professionals and/or researchers.
This issue of the Journal addresses the need of people to improve their life experience and well-being, as well as to grow personally and spiritually, through the practice of mindfulness and meditation. Quality education requires a holistic approach that includes proposals for looking inward in a world where philosophy and religion seem to be in retreat. Precisely, mindfulness, which means full attention, has been aligned with sensitive pedagogies and slow education, to end up being adapted for practice at any educational level throughout life. From this approach, the RCP encourages you to send in results, experiences, and emerging innovations on mindfulness and education, from its generality: aspects linked to the person, consciousness, psychology, transcendence, spiritual meditations, techniques, neuroscience, and applications of mindfulness on a personal and professional level from a pedagogical standpoint.
The articles can be sent in Catalan or English. Papers accepted by the journal will be published in one of the following sections:
- Research articles: must have a maximum length of 8,000 words and a minimum of 4,500. They must fit into the following sections: introduction, material and methods, results, conclusions and discussion, and bibliography.
- Experience articles: they must be between 4,000 and 5,000 words long at most. They should be adjusted in the following sections: introduction, context of the proposal, proposal for intervention, conclusions/discussion, and bibliography.