Institut de Recerca en Educació

Call for papers: Digital learning: distraction or default for the future

The Digital Education Review of the University of Barcelona opens a call papers with regard to the publication of a monograph on digital learning.

Over the years, the development of information and communication technologies has created waves of excitement due to the expectations to offer “quick fix” to educational problems. At least since the creation of the teaching machine in the fifties, the rapid development of digital technologies has increased this enthusiasm, prompting a succession of attempts by policymakers to integrate digital technologies into educational institutions (ej. CD-ROM, PC, SmartBoards, OLPC, BYOD, etc.). Although there are successful experiences around the world to implementing digital technologies in school contexts, it is important to analyze those Top-Down and Bottom-Up initiatives that haven’t worked or have failed. This monograph aims to explore questions like: 

The community is invited to send us contributions derived from academic research on the subject; Elaboration of international-comparative studies; Results of public policies evaluation in digital inclusion; and theoretical reviews that represent a true contribution to the current debate. 




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