The DHiGeCS Group wins a FECYT project

The DHiGeCS Group (Didactics of History, Geography and other Social Sciences) has won a FECYT project (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology) for the promotion of scientific, technological and innovation culture, in the 2017 call. “The science that is acquired in the kitchen” is an interdisciplinary project, in which the Faculty of Pharmacy and CETT-UB also participate (Campus of Tourism,

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Tools to improve the impact of the search

To advance in the research it is important to expand the dissemination of the projects that are developed, beyond the publication of scientific articles in specialized journals. It is increasingly necessary that researchers show and disseminate the results of their work. The traditional system of evaluation of research is in the process of changing towards other metrics such as the

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How to identify fake news

The veracity of data and information is important when it comes to understanding and analyzing the environment that surrounds us. Fake news has become a serious problem. How to distinguish the veracity of content distributed over the internet? From Data & Society, in the Dead Reckoning Navigating Content Moderation After “Fake News” report, it aims to identify them and some

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Europe must invest more in research and education

According to Rolf Tarrach, president of the European University Association, investment in research and education brings the highest European added value, while being the most effective long-term commitment. It is not only about investment, but also about efficiency: “Research and innovation are a European public good. Investing in them creates synergies, economies of scale and a very high return. We

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The university will be interdisciplinary or it will not be

Traditional departmental structures make it difficult for research and education to evolve. The university and the future’s research must be interdisciplinary, according to The Guardian. While groups and research centers begin to incorporate professionals from diverse fields as a strategy to develop research with greater perspectives, university structures continue to be the logic of closed knowledge. For Zahir Irani (dean

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Research beyond the citations: blockchains

The result of the search is only made public after the publication of articles. This reality causes the results of the research to take a long time to become known, while losing much valuable information about the process itself. That is why ARTiFACTS has been developed, a platform designed for academic and scientific research that uses blockchain technology. Researchers can

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An ethical publication of research

The publication of the research is one of the imperatives of the academic career. The publication of the research is one of the obligations of the academic career. It is a fundamental element to evaluate professors and researchers; therefore, the consequence is that it increases the need to publish as much as possible in journals that are considered to be

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XXI International Congress EDUTEC

EDUTEC International Congress is held at the University of Lleida on October 24th, 25th and 26th, 2018 under the slogan EDUcation with TECnology: a Social Commitment. “A social commitment” synthesizes the trajectory and evolution of the 20 previous editions of the congress that have always been oriented to promote -with a critical, social and transforming approach- the scientific exchange of

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Winners of the Mobile Learning Awards 2018

The winners of the Mobile Learning Awards 2018, in the modalities of Best experiences and classroom proposals with digital technologies and Innovative schools in the application of digital technologies, have presented their work on the “Changing Education Together” of the Mobile World Congress. a) Best Digital Learning Experiences and Proposals in the classroom The purpose of this contest category is

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IRE participates as co-organizer in the I Seminário Internacional Conexão Escola Mundo

IRE participates as a co-organizer in the I Seminário Internacional Conexão Escola Mundo, which takes place from March 26th to 29th, 2018, at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil). The seminar brings together researchers involved in research projects on human rights education from the perspective of the hacker culture. The program includes activities open to the public, in which prominent

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