Article: Teacher assistants’ roles in Catalan classrooms: promoting fair and inclusion-oriented support for all

The article “Teacher assistants’ roles in Catalan classrooms: promoting fair and inclusion-oriented support for all” has been published in the International Journal of Inclusive Education. This exploratory study about TAs is part of Andrea Jardí (LMI-UB) doctoral thesis about interactions occurring when non-graduate professionals support vulnerable students. Dr. Ignasi Puigdellívol (LMI-UB) and Dr. Cristina Petreñas (UdL) are the co-authors.

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Resolution aids to research projects 2018, for IRE members

On November 14th, aid to 2018 research projects was resolved for IRE members.   Aids awarded [Document of the resolution.] Assumpta Aneas Alvarez: Com investigar les construccions i transformacions identitàries religioses dels joves migrants i de minories a l’aula recerca exploratòria metodològica. Zoia Bozu: Análisis del valor concedido por los graduados/as del ámbito educativo al TFG para la profesionalización e

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Publish articles in scientific journals with a pseudonym

A strategy to deal with controversial issues, according to Martin Rosenbaum. A group of university researchers are studying the possibility of creating a journal that allows articles to be published under a pseudonym. In this way the fear of dealing with certain issues that create controversy would be lost, on which usually large doses of self-censorship appear. In the words

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New publication – Sandín-Esteban: Estudios de casos ‘theory driven’: inmigración y éxito escolar

Professor María Paz Sandín-Esteban, of the Department of Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education (MIDE), at the University of Barcelona, ​​has published Estudios de casos theory driven: inmigración y éxito escolar in Magis, Revista Internacional de Investigación en Educación. This paper addresses the connection between the empirical endeavor and the role of the theory in the qualitative research. Two

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Called APIF scholarship for IRE

The call for grants of Predoctoral Research Personnel in Training (APIF), of the University of Barcelona, has been opened for the academic year 2018-2019. Between the offer of departments and institutes, one is for the Institute of Research in Education. On the website of the Training Personnel Scholarship Section you will find the text of the call, the distribution of

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Call for Papers: 2018 International Conference on Education Technology Management (ICETM 2018)

Submission deadline: October 25, 2018. Institute of Research in Education (IRE) supports the 2018 International Conference on Education Technology Management (ICETM 2018), that will be held in Palau Heures, University of Barcelona, Spain during December 19-21, 2018. It aims to be the premier international forum for Education Technology Management focused researchers, practitioners and industry specialists to present and discuss the

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Call for Papers: 2018 International Conference on Future Learning (ICFL 2018)

Submission deadline: October 25, 2018. Institute of Research in Education (IRE) supports the 2018 International Conference on Future Learning (ICFL 2018), that will be held in Palau de les Heures, University of Barcelona (Spain),  during December 19-21, 2018. It aims to be the premier international forum for Future Learning focused researchers, practitioners and industry specialists to present and discuss the

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