New article: Supporting collaborative reflection in teacher education: a case study

Marc Clarà, Teresa Mauri, Rosa Colomina and Javier Onrubia publish this article in the European Journal of Teacher Education, which aims to understand how certain educational supports promote preservice teachers’ learning to reflect in collaborative settings. Abstract To address this issue, we present a case study on collaborative reflection among 14 preservice teachers and one teacher educator over the course

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IX Simposio Internacional de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales en el Ámbito Iberoamericano

Organized by the DHiGeCS research group, the symposium will take place on October 2-3-4, 2019, at the University of Barcelona. The symposium follows the trajectory of work initiated by DHiGeCS in 2001. It has the collaboration of several universities of international scope, especially Latin American.   IX Simposio Internacional de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales en el Ámbito Iberoamericano

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I International Conference of Research in Education

The Institute of Research in Education of the University of Barcelona organizes the 1st International Conference of Educational Research, on November 4th and 5th, 2019, in Barcelona. The conference, promoted by the Spanish Network of Research Institutes in Education, aims to analyze the immediate future of Education around three axes: Challenges that arise to the Educational system during the next

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A wiki to keep up with the Call for Papers

It is often difficult to keep up to date with the Call for Papers in our field of research. Even more if you work in interdisciplinary fields. There are several strategies to know the news. We propose you one: WikiCFP. A Wiki for Call For Papers. It is a collaborative website, which uses the technology and philosophy of Wikipedia. The

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Pseudoscientific journals, how to detect them?

The research evaluation system, which rewards publications in quality international journals, causes the appearance of “predatory” journals, which publish without scientific quality standards. As explained in “Revistas seudocientíficas para engordar currículos académicos“, in addition, these are publishers who charge for the publication without the usual quality protocols. What are the main characteristics of these magazines? How to detect them?: Spam:

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New article: Blockchain possibilities in Education

Antonio Bartolomé and Carles Lindin publish Blockchain possibilities in Education in Education in the Knowledge Society, in which the applications, experiences and utilities of blockchain technology in education are exposed.   Abstract The blockchain is a new technology that is breaking through in many fields, and also in the educational system. But it is not a specific technology which you

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New article: The social inclusion of immigrant girls in and through physical education. Perceptions and decisions of physical education teachers

Teresa Lleixà and Carolina Nieva publish this article to Sport, Education and Society. A study whose objective is to analyze the perceptions and decisions of physical education teachers in relation to the improvement of the social inclusion of immigrant girls. You can download up to 50 free copies.   Abstract The current educational context in many European countries is characterised

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Article in the Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics

The article entitled Análisis de las líneas de investigación y actuación en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del lenguaje oral en contexto escolar has been published, prepared by Dr. Marta Gracia, Dr. María José Galván-Bovaira and Dr. Manel Sánchez-Cano, for the Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics. Abstract In compulsory education teaching and learning the linguistic competence in their areas of

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