The Didactic QUALity, Assessment for Innovation of Teaching and Learning Improvement Project has been funded by the European Commission

The project entitled Didactic QUALity, Assessment for Innovation of Teaching and Learning Improvement Project has been funded by the European Commission in the Erasmus Plus KA2 2019 call. The coordinating team will be led by Dr. Antonella Nuzzaci of the Università degli Studi dell’Aquila (Italy). The UB team leader is Dr. Joaquín Prats Cuevas, Principal Investigator of the Didactics on

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Do you know the Pecha Kucha method to make quick and suggestive presentations? Notice: it is the method by which communications will be presented at the 1st International Congress of Research in Education (November 4 and 5, Barcelona)

As a curiosity, the term Pecha Kucha comes from Japanese. It is an onomatopoeia to refer to the sound of a casual conversation. It is 20×20 presentations, this is 20 slides (usually images) x 20 seconds presentation per slide.   How is it done? Five step guide: (via Define the basic structure: divide the subject into the usual sections

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Boaventura de Sousa Santos, speaker at the 1st International Congress of Research in Education, has just published the work “Izquierdas del Mundo, ¡Uníos!”

De Sousa Santos is a doctor in Sociology of Law from Yale University and was a professor at the University of Coimbra for many years. He currently directs the Center for Social Studies and the Documentation Center April 25 of the University of Coimbra and works as a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in the United States. In addition,

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New publication: Support strategies in inclusive school. An interactive and community vision

The member of the Institute of Research in Education of the University of Barcelona Ignasi Puigdellívol Aguadé, professor and researcher on issues of inclusion and educational support, co-publishes this work that combines theoretical rigor in the analysis of forms of support, with its expression in the daily practice of schools, using numerous real examples.   Table of Contents: Evolution and

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International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: Higher Education & Science Take Action

Via This second edition will put the spotlight on how higher education institutions are embedding sustainable development in their core missions, and will focus on showcasing, explaining and sharing scientific research, innovative practices, projects, programmes and initiatives that university communities are carrying out with the aim of implementing the 2030 Agenda. These will include different perspectives and approaches: from

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DRAC scholarships for UB students until September 15

News via seminaris-o-altres-activitats-de-la-xarxa-viv-1   The DRAC program has launched the DRAC scholarships for students of the University of Barcelona to attend courses, seminars or other activities of the Vives Network of Universities or its member universities.   There are two modalities within the scholarships : – DRAC-Winter (aimed at undergraduate or engineering students with more than 60 passed credits)

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IRED’19 – Remember that you have until September 6 to send your communications!

As we have been informing, the deadline for sending communications for the 1st International Conference of Research in Education has been extended until September 6.   Two types of communications are accepted: (i) Research papers / reports and (ii) Experiences or intervention proposals.   The thematic fields of the conference are the following: Field 1: «educational system, teacher training and

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Happy new academic year!

Whoever that works, in whatever quality, in the fascinating world of education knows that September is a very special month. Many of us think that this is the month in which our year really begins. Thus, we are fortunate to live two “new year” celebrations, one in September and another one in January. However, it is difficult to deny that

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