Premis Nacionals de Recerca, call open until 2 November

The Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation announces the National Research Awards, now in their 31st year. Candidates in all categories can be universities, research centres, university research institutes, academies, companies and foundations and, in general, all agents in the Catalan research and innovation system. There are 6 categories of awards: National Research Prize, worth 40,000 euros National Research Prize

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First Seminar of the Network of Research Institutes in Education (RIIE): The digital identity of research personnel in the scientific ecosystem

The Network of Education Research Institutes is organising the seminar “The digital identity of research personnel in the scientific ecosystem“, aimed at researchers from the institutes that are part of the network. The seminar will be given by Francisco José García-Peñalvo, Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Automation at the University of Salamanca (USAL), and will last 30

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Paper: A Critical look at Educational Technology from a Distance Education Perspective, de Terry Anderson i Pablo Rivera-Vargas

Keywords: distance education; online education; learning analytics; educational technology; threaded discussion   Abstract: This article focuses on educational technology as applied in the context of programs and institutions that offer completely distance education courses. All education in the 21st century is digital education in that the use of networking, text and image creation and editing and search and retrieval of

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Recent Publication: Superar las secuelas de la violencia machista. Las voces de las mujeres y sus hijas e hijos, by Trinidad Donoso-Vázquez

Summary of the publication This book is the result of an evaluation process of a programme to help women and their children overcome the consequences of male violence. The comprehensive programme that was evaluated consists of 16 weekly sessions that serve women, children and the family unit as a whole: mothers and their children. The programme, based on resilience, provides

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Published the special issue “Digital learning: distraction or default for the future”, in the Digital Education Review Journal.

On July 1st of this year, 2020, issue number 37 of the Digital Education Review was published. It includes the monographic “Digital learning: distraction or default for the future”, coordinated by Cristóbal Cobo and IRE researcher Pablo Rivera Vargas. The dossier is made up of 14 articles that focus on problems in 12 countries. The objective of this monograph was

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Keywords: competences; training; mediator; conflict   The CUEMYC (Conference for the Study of Conflict and Mediation), where many universities in Spain are represented, presents and publishes the book that proposes a framework of professional competences for mediators, to serve as a model for the design of training programmes.   The book contains the following sections: -Professional competences and quality evaluation

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REVISTA CATALANA DE PEDAGOGIA (CATALAN MAGAZINE OF PEDAGOGY) CALL DEADLINE 15 NOVEMBER 2020 PRACTICUM AND EDUCATION PUBLICATION 2021 The Revista Catalana de Pedagogia (RCP) is a free and open biannual publication of the Catalan Society of Pedagogy, subsidiary of the Institute of Catalan Studies. The RCP has as its main objectives to become a quality platform for the dissemination of

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The Revista Catalana de Pedagogia (RCP) is a free, open biannual publication of the Catalan Society of Pedagogy, a subsidiary of the Institute of Catalan Studies. The Catalan Journal of Education’s main objectives are to become a quality platform for the dissemination of research and education and training experiences and to promote debate and educational reflection contributed by professionals and/or

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New book: Educación 2020-2022. Retos, tendencias y compromisos

The Institute of Research in Education (IRE), of the Faculty of Education at the Universitat de Barcelona, presents Educación 2020-2022. Retos, tendencias y compromisos, the second book in the collection “Challenges, trends and commitments in education”, which has been coordinated by Teresa Lleixà, Zoia Bozu and Assumpta Aneas. The volume has twenty chapters organized in three parts: Pedagogical thought and

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