The Institut Universitari del Pròxim Orient Antic (IPOA) of the Universitat de Barcelona organizes, in collaboration with the Centro de Estudios del Próximo Oriente Antiguo of Madrid, an online workshop on Phrygian language on September 17th – 18th.
It is an international workshop with the participation of the world’s leading specialists in this ancient Anatolian language. The organizers are Dr. Ignasi-Xavier Adiego, Professor of Indo-European Linguistics at the UB and director of the IPOA, and Bartomeu Obrador-Cursach, member of the IPOA and author of The Phrygian Language (Leiden: Brill, 2020), reference work in the field of Phrygian studies at present.
Those interested in attending the online workshop can direct their request to the following email:
The workshop program is available below: