Aula Orientalis 29 (2011) vol. 1
Proceedings of the III Symposium on Comparative Semitics
Turin 10/3-4/2008
Del Olmo Lete, G. Grammaticalization, Lexicalization and Semantic Universals (The case of the primitive Semitic prepositions), pp. 27-42 Baixa
Gragg, G. Grammaticization and Paradigm Formation in Afroasiatic: Verbal negation in Cushitic, pp. 43-60Baixa
Khan, G. Remarks on Constructions with the copula in North-eastern Neo-Aramaic Dialects, pp. 105-120Baixa
Mazzini, G. Some Qatabanic Lexical Items. Philological and Linguistic observations, pp. 121-130 Baixa