Miquel Alabernia-Segura

Professor Associat
Secció de Personalitat, Avaluació i Tractament Psicològic, Departament de Psicologa Clínica i Psicobiologia, Facultat de Psicologia, Campus Mundet, Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron, 171, 08035, Barcelona


I got a Ph.D. in 2019 with a thesis based on identity and moral decision-making. I have several master's degrees in the area of ​​Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. I am currently a co-founder of EYME-VR. I also work as an adjunct lecturer and postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Psychology of the UB.

As a researcher, I have participated in several different research projects and developed assessment tools for private companies such as Randstad ADN. My research interest is in the area of ​​technology transfer and research in moral psychology.