Adrià Gabarnet-Prat

Investigador Predoctoral
Secció de Personalitat, Avaluació i Tractament Psicològic, Facultat de Psicologia, Campus Mundet, Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron, 171, 08035, Barcelona

I graduated from the Autonomous University of Barcelona on 2018, obtaining my bachelor’s degree in Psychology. During my internship on the last year I had my first experience on a research environment as an assistant at the university’s psychobiology lab. After graduating I completed a Master’s degree on Research in Behaviour and Cognition at the University of Barcelona. It was during that year that I started developing an interest on virtual environments and how they could be related to identity construal that led me to enroll the group ´Intervention in Clinical and Health Psychology´ as a predoctoral researcher once I completed my master’s degree. My research focuses on new technologies and the construal of virtual identity. I am currently using the Repertory Grid Technique in order to study how people may use virtual environments, such as online videogames, in order to explore alternative identities  and how self-esteem may play a factor on said exploration. In the future I aim to keep researching on the field of new technologies, especially online videogames and other virtual environments.