Bioelectrical Characterization at NanoscaleGabriel Gomila Lluch (Full Professor) gabriel.gomila(at) Annalisa Caló (Associate Professor)
Biophysics and Bioengineering UnitRamon Farré Ventura (Full Professor) rfarre(at) Pere Roca Cusachs (Associate Professor) Núria Gavara Casas (Tenure-Track Lecturer – Serra Hunter) Isaac Almendros López (Associate Professor) Raimon Sunyer Borrell (Tenure-Track Lecturer) Jorge Otero Díaz (Tenure-Track Lecturer) Daniel Navajas Navarro (Emeritus) Miguel Rodriguez Lazaro (Technician)
BiOPT: Optical Trapping Lab – Grup de BiofotònicaEstela Martín Badosa (Professor Full) estela.martinb(at) Mario Montes Usategui (Associate Professor) David Maluenda Niubó (Associate Professor) Jordi Tiana Alsina (Associate Professor) Nick Toledo García (Predoctoral Researcher)
Cancer therapy groupVerònica Noé Mata (Full Professor) vnoe(at) Núria Llor Brunes (Associate Professor) Rosa Griera Farres (Associate Professor) Simonas Valiuska (Predoctoral Researcher) Judith Cullell Moltó (Predoctoral Researcher) Ester López Aguilar (Predoctoral Researcher) Carlos Ciudad Gómez (Emeritus Professor)
Catalysis and Advanced Inorganic MaterialsNarcis Homs Martí (Full Professor) narcishomsmarti(at) Pilar Ramírez de la Piscina (Full Professor) pramirezdelapiscina(at) Maria Lourdes Mestres Vila (Full Professor) Xavier Vendrell Villafruela (Tenure-Track Lecturer) Adrià Sánchez Ruiz (Predoctoral Researcher) Arturo Pajares Rojas (External Collaborator VITO, Belgium)
Catalysis and Applied KineticsJavier Tejero Salvador (Full Professor) jtejero(at) Montserrat Iborra Urios (Full Professor) miborra(at) Eliana Ramírez Rangel (Associate Professor) Carles Fité Piquer (Associate Professor) Roger Bringué Tomàs (Associate Professor) Jordi Hug Badia Córcoles (Associate Professor) Rodrigo Soto López (Tenure-Track Lecturer)
Cellular Responses to XenobioticsMaria Pilar Vinardell Martínez-Hidalgo (Full Professor) mpvinardellmh(at) Montserrrat Mitjans Arnal (Associate Professor) M del Carmen Moran Bádenas (Associate Professor) Adriana Solange Maddaleno Jiménez (Adjunct Lecture) Michele Ferrari (External Collaborator-CNR-ICMATE Italy)
Design and Improvement of Processes and Materials (DIOPMA)Mercè Segarra Rubí (Full Professor) m.segarra(at) Ana Inés Fernández Renna (Full Professor) ana_inesfernandez(at) Elena Xuriguera Martín (Associate Professor) Joan Formosa Mitjans (Associate Professor) José Antonio Padilla Sanchez (Tenure-Track Lecturer) Rebeca Salgado Pizzarro (Predoctoral Researcher)
Drug Design and Response-evaluation within Pharmaceutical Nanostructured and self-ordered Systems GroupElvira Escribano Ferrer (Associate Professor) eescribano(at) Francesc Xavier García Sala (Adjunct Lecturer)
Genomics, Proteomics and Plant MetabolomicsJaume Bastida Armengol (Full Professor) Francesc Viladomat Meya (Full Professor) fviladomat(at) Laura Torras Claveria (Associate Lecturer)
Group of Magnetic NanomaterialsAmílcar Labarta Rodríguez (Full Professor) amilcar.labarta(at) (NanoMagnetics) Xavier Batlle Gelabert (Full Professor) xavierbatlle(at) (NanoMagnetics) Òscar Iglesias Clotas (Full Professor) (NanoMet) Montserrat García del Muro Solans (Associate Professor) (NanoPhotoElectro) Arantxa Fraile Rodríguez (Associate Professor) (NanoPhotoElectro) Eric Langenberg Perez (Associate Professor) (NanoMagnetics) Adriana Isabel Figueroa Garcia (Tenure-Track Lecturer) (NanoMagnetics) Javier Rodríguez Álvarez (Predoctoral Researcher) (NanoPhotoElectro)
Homogeneous CatalysisArnald Grabulosa Rodriguez (Associate Professor) arnald.grabulosa(at) Daniel Sainz Garcia (Associate Professor) daniel.sainz(at) José Luis Núñez Rico (Postdoctoral Researcher) Dana Josa Hidalgo (Predoctoral Researcher) Javier Eusamio Rodríguez (Predoctoral Researcher) Albert Gutierrez Currius (Technician)
Instrumentation Systems and Communications (SIC)Angel Dieguez Barrientos (Full Professor) angel.dieguez(at) (NanoPhotoElectro) Anna Vilà Arbonés (Associate Professor) anna.vila(at) (NanoPhotoElectro) Mauricio Moreno Sereno (Associate Professor) (NanoPhotoElectro) Oscar Alonso Casanovas (Associate Professor) (NanoPhotoElectro) Manuel Lopez De Miguel (Associate Professor) (NanoPhotoElectro) Christophe Serre (Associate Professor) (NanoEnergy)
Laboratory of Electron Nanoscopies (LENS)- Micro and Nanotechnology and nanoscopies for Electronic and Electrophotonic devices (MIND)Francisca Peiró Martínez (Full Professor) francesca.peiro(at) Sònia Estradé Albiol (Full Professor) Lluís Yedra Cardona (Postdoctoral Researcher Ramón y Cajal) Daniel del Pozo Bueno (Predoctoral Researcher) Catalina Coll (Predoctoral Researcher) Vanessa Costa Ledesma (Predoctoral Researcher) Beatriz Vargas Carosi (Predoctoral Researcher) Pranjal Nandi (Predoctoral Researcher) Gemma Martín Malpartida (Collaborator) Josep Manel Rebled Corselles (Collaborator) Luís López Conesa (Collaborator) Ona Falcó (Master Student)
Laboratory of Molecular Design (LabMolDesign)Guillem Aromí Bedmar (Full Professor) aromi(at) David Aguilà Avilés (Tenure-Track Lecturer) Leoni A. Barrios Moreno (Serra Hunter Tenure-Track Lecturer) Valentin Novikov (Distinguished Researcher “Beatriz Galindo”) Zahra Hosseinzadeh (Postdoctoral Associate) Raul Diaz Torres (Postdoctoral Researcher) Abinash Swain (Postdoctoral Researcher) Konstantinos Sotirakopoulos (Predoctoral Researcher)
Laboratory of Nanostructured and Nanocomposite Materials (LM2N)Albert Figuerola Silvestre (Associate Professor) albert.figuerola(at) (NanosMat) Marta Estrader Bofarull (Postdoctoral Researcher Ramón y Cajal) martaestrader(at) (NanoMagnetics)
LASER- Micro and Nanotechnology and Nanoscopies for Electronic and Electrophotonic Devices (MIND)Pere Serra Coromina (Full Professor) pserra(at) Martí Duocastella Solà (Full Professor – ERC Consolidator Grant) (website: marti.duocastella(at) Juan Marcos Fernández Pradas (Associate Professor) jmfernandez(at) Laura Rodríguez Suñé (Postdoctoral Researcher) Ernest Martí Jerez (Predoctoral Researcher) Narcís Vilar Solé (Predoctoral Researcher)
Magnetic Interactions and Molecular MagnetismAlbert Escuer Fité (Full Professor) albert.escuer(at) Mohamed Salah El Fallah (Full Professor) Júlia Mayans Ayats (Tenure-Track Lecturer) Annia Tubau Ribot (Predoctoral Researcher) Joan Serra Castelló (Predoctoral Researcher) Ernesto Costa Villén (Predoctoral Researcher) Sergio Caballero Gutierrez (Predoctoral Researcher)
Magnetic Soft Matter GroupPietro Tierno (Full Professor and ERC Consolidator Grant) ptierno(at)
MagnetismAntoni García Santiago (Associate Professor) agarciasan(at) Joan Manel Hernández Ferràs (Associate Professor) jm_hernandez(at) Ferran Macià Bros (Associate Professor) ferran.macia(at) Marius Vasile Costache (Associate Professor) costache(at) Blai Casals Montserrat (Tenure-Track Lecturer) Marc Rovirola Metcalfe (Predoctoral Researcher)
Materials for Energy, Photonics and Catalysis (ENPHOCAMAT)Roger Amade Rovira (Associate Professor) r.amade(at) José Luis Andújar Bella (Associate Professor) Franc Güell Vilà (Associate Professor) Stefanos Chaitoglou (Postdoctoral Researcher Beatriu de Pinós) Yang Ma (Predoctoral Researcher) Jordi Díaz Marcos (Collaborator) Enric Bertran Serra (Emeritus Professor)
Materials: Phase transitionsLluís Mañosa Carrera (Full Professor) lluismanosa (at) Teresa Castán Vidal (Full Professor) tcastanv(at) Enric Stern Taulats (Postdoctoral Researcher Juan de la Cierva) Marcel Porta Tena (Adjunct Lecturer) Antoni Planes Vila (Emeritus)
Mechanisms of Reactions in Inorganic ChemistryManuel Martínez López (Full Professor) manel.martinez(at) Montserrat Sofia Ferrer García (Full Professor)
Micro and Nanotechnology and nanoscopies for Electronic and Electrophotonic Devices (MIND)Blas Garrido Fernández (Full Professor) blas.garrido(at) Albert Cirera Hernández (Full Professor) acirera(at) Juan Daniel Prades Garcia (Full Professor) dprades(at) Albert Romano Rodríguez (Full Professor) albert.romano(at) Sergio Hernández Márquez (Full Professor) shernandez(at) Paolo Pellegrino (Associate Professor) Daniel Navarro Urrios (Associate Professor) Cristian Fàbrega Gallego (Associate Professor) Olga Casals Guillén (Tenure-Track Lecturer) Francisco Palacio Bonet (Postdoctoral Researcher) Júlia Marí Guaita (Postdoctoral Researcher Juan de la Cierva) David Alonso Tomás (Predoctoral Researcher) Joshua Diago Forero (Predoctoral Researcher) Ignasi Fort Grandas (Predoctoral Researcher) Yuzelfy Mendoza Gamero (Predoctoral Researcher) Francisco de P. Hernandez Ramirez (Collaborator) Guillem Domènech Gil (External Collaborator) Giovanni Vescio (External Collaborator)
Mineral Resources Research GroupJoaquín Antonio Proenza Fernandez (Full Professor) Josep Roqué Rosell (Associate Professor) josep.roque(at) Joan Carles Melgarejo Draper (Associate Professor) Maria Abigaíl Jiménez Franco (Postdoctoral Researcher) Robert Oliva (Collaborator Geosciencies Barcelona (GEO3BCN-CSIC)) Jordi Ibañez (Collaborator Geosciencies Barcelona (GEO3BCN-CSIC))
Molecular Nanoscience LaboratoryE. Carolina Sañudo Zotes (Associate Professor) esanudo(at) Abir Dhaou (Predoctoral Researcher) Chaima Arfa (Predoctoral Researcher) Eva Tormos Feliu (Predoctoral Researcher)
Multiferroic and Photovoltaic Materials for Renewable Energies (MAMFER)Julià Vidrier López (Associate Professor) (Coordinator) jlopezv(at) Joan Bertomeu Balagueró (Full Professor) jbertomeu(at) Manuel Varela Fernández (Full Professor) mvarela(at) César Ferrater Martorell (Associate Professor) M Carmen Polo Trasancos (Associate Professor) Arturo Lousa Rodríguez (Associate Professor) José Miguel Asensi López (Associate Professor) Regina Galceran Vercher (Tenure-Track Lecturer) Umer Aziz (Predoctoral Researcher)
Nanobioengineering and Biomaterials UnitJosep Samitier Martí (Full Professor) jsamitier(at) Oscar Castaño Linares (Associate Professor) oscar.castano(at) Jordi Colomer Farrarons (Associate Professor) jcolomerf(at) Romén Rodríguez Trujillo (Tenure-Track Lecturer) Mònica Mir Llorente (Adjunct Lecturer) Adrià Noguera Monteagudo (Predoctoral Researcher)
NanoBioPharmaAna Calpena Campmany (Associate Professor) anacalpena(at) Mireia Oliva Herrera (Associate Professor) Lyda Halbaut Bellowa (Associate Professor) Mireia Mallandrich Miret (Tenure-Track Lecturer) Helen Lissette Alvarado Bonilla (Adjunct Lecturer) Joaquim Suñer Carbó (Adjunt Lecturer) Antonio De Padua Boix Montanes (Adjunt Lecturer) Roya Mohammadi (Predoctoral Researcher) María Rincón Díaz (External Collaborator) Marcelle Silva de Abreu (External Collaborator) Guadalupe Del Carmen Abrego Escobar (External Collaborator) Beatriz Clares Maveros (External Collaborator) Lupe Carolina Espinoza Tituana (External Collaborator) Paulo Cesar Sarango Granda (External Collaborator)
Nanoenergy and Electronic Materials (M2E) GroupJoan Ramon Morante Lleonart (Full professor) jrmorante(at)
Nanomalaria GroupSantiago Imperial Ródenas (Associate Professor) simperial(at) Xavier Fernández Busquets (External collaborator- IBEC-CRESIB)
Nanoscience and Bio-Inorganic Chemistry (nanoBIC)Amparo Caubet Marín (Associate Professor) Ana Belén Caballero Hernández (Associate Professor) ana.caballero(at) Carlos Moya Alvarez (Beatriu de Pinós Postdoctoral Researcher) Piedad Herrera Ramírez (Predoctoral Researcher) Guglielmo Spinelli (Predoctoral Researcher)
Nanostructure of Biomembranes GroupMaria Teresa Montero Barrientos (Associate Professor) Òscar Domènech Cabrera (Associate Professor) Adrià Botet Carreras (Adjunct Lecturer)
Nanostructured systems for controlled drug deliveryM. Luisa García López (Full Professor) marisagarcia(at) Espina García Marta (Associate Professor) Elena Sánchez López (Tenure-Track Lecturer) Gerard Esteruelas Navarro(Predoctoral Researcher) Lorena Bonilla Vidal (Predoctoral Researcher) Fidencia Gamisans Linares (Adjunct Lecturer)
Nanosystems Statistical PhysicsMiguel Rubí Capaceti (Emeritus Professor) mrubi(at) Ivan Latella (Tenure-Track Lecturer) Andrés Arango Restrepo (Postdoctoral Researcher)
Organic Materials UnitMaria Dolors Velasco Castrillo (Full Professor) dvelasco(at) Jaume García Amorós (Associate Professor) Clara Fabregat Pallejà (Predoctoral Researcher)
Peptides and Proteins: Physicochemical StudiesMontserrat Pujol Cubells (Associate Professor) mopujol(at) Yolanda Cajal Visa (Associate Professor) Josefina Prat Aixelà (Associate Professor)
Pharmaceutical NanotechnologyM. José García Celma (Full Professor) mjgarcia(at) Marta Monge Azemar (external collaborator)
Physics in NanobiophysicsAurora Hernandez Machado (Full Professor) a.hernandezmachado(at) Lourdes Elvira Mendez Mora (Postdoctoral Researcher) Andreu Benavent Claro (Predoctoral Researcher) Josep Ferré Torres (Industrial Predoctoral Researcher)
Polarized Light Applications & Technologies (PLAT)Oriol Arteaga Barriel (Associate Professor) oarteaga(at) Adolf Canillas Biosca (Full Professor) Esther Pascual Miralles (Full Professor) Salvador Bosch Puig (Full Professor) Jordi Gomis Bresco (Associate Professor) Subiao Bian (Predoctoral Researcher) Iago Pardo González (Predoctoral Researcher)
Self-organized complexity and self-assembling materials (SOC&SAM)Francesc Sagués Mestre (Full Professor) f.sagues(at) (NanoBio) Jordi Ignés Mullol (Full Professor) jignes(at) (NanosMat) Joan-Anton Farrera Piñol (Associate Professor) (NanosMat) Olga Bantysh (Predoctoral Researcher) (NanosMat) Joel Torres Andrés (Predoctoral Researcher) (NanosMat)
Solar Energy Materials and Systems (SEMS) GroupAlejandro Pérez Rodríguez (Full Professor) perez_ro(at) Lorenzo Calvo Barrio (Adjunct Lecturer) Victor Izquierdo Roca (External Collaborator-Senior researcher at IREC) Marcel Placidi (External Collaborator-Senior researcher at IREC)
Statistical Physics of Bio-Nano Complex MatterGiancarlo Franzese (Associate Professor) gfranzese(at) Carlos Calero Borrallo (Associate Professor) Oriol Vilanova Gabarrón (Predoctoral Researcher)
Supra and Nanostructured Systems Group (SuNS)Laura Rodríguez Raurell (Full Professor) laurarodriguezr(at) Inmaculada Angurell Purroy (Associate Professor) Andrea Pinto Martínez (Postdoctoral Researcher) Mar Inés García Del Amo (Predoctoral Researcher) Araceli de Aquino Samper (Collaborator)
Supramolecular Systems in NanobiomedicineM. Lluïsa Pérez Garcia (Full Professor) mlperez(at) Bagherpour Saman (Postdoctoral Researcher) Naga Venkata Lakshmi Kavya Anguluri (Predoctoral Researcher) Hina Younis (Predoctoral Researcher) Daniela Dupkalová (Predoctoral Researcher) Aysha Fasna (Predoctoral Researcher) Ruxin Li (Predoctoral Researcher) David Limon Magaña (Collaborator)
Sustainable Electrochemical ProcessesMaria Sarret Pons (Associate Professor) m.sarret(at) Teresa Andreu Arbella (Associate Professor) tandreu(at) Mohamed Amazian El Moussaoui (Industrial Predoctoral Researcher) Marti Molera Janer (Predoctoral Researcher) (Group members belong to the Thermal Spray Center (CPT))
The Small Biosystems LabFèlix Ritort Farran (Full Professor) ritort(at) Maria Mañosas Castejon (Associate Professor)
Thin-film and Nanostructure electrodeposition Group (GE-CPN)Elvira Gómez Valentín (Full Professor) e.gomez(at) Albert Serrà Ramos (Tenure-Track Lecturer) Gonzalo Garcia Espejo (Postdoctoral Researcher) Judit Lloreda Rodes (Industrial Predoctoral Researcher) Laura Huidobro Rodríguez (Predoctoral Researcher) Pol Vilariño Casaus (Predoctoral Researcher)