Effect of temperature on the gas-phase photocatalytic H2 generation using microreactors under UVA and sunlight irradiation
Experimental Evidence of Accelerated Seismic Release without Critical Failure in Acoustic Emissions of Compressed Nanoporous Materials
L’investigador Giancarlo Franzese, que dirigeix el grup de Física Estadística de Nanosistemes – Complex Matter Group ha estat guardonat amb el reconeixement ICREA Acadèmia 2016
Hybrid molecular-inorganic materials: Heterometallic [Ni4Tb] complex grafted on superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
Structural Interpretation of the Large Slowdown of Water Dynamics at Stacked Phospholipid Membranes for Decreasing Hydration Level
Large work extraction and the Landauer limit in a continuous Maxwell demon. M. Ribezzi-Crivellari i F. Ritort. Nature Physics, April 2019