The research group is focused on dynamics of interfaces in nanotechnology, fluidics and biophysics, including the measure of the viscosity of Newtonian and nonNewtonian, being particularly interested on the rheology of blood, the stability and dynamics of biological membranes, vesicles, fuids and angiogenesis by both at the mathematical modeling level and experimentally.
Aurora Hernandez Machado (Full Professor) a.hernandezmachado(at)
Lourdes Elvira Mendez Mora (Postdoctoral Researcher)
Andreu Benavent Claro (Predoctoral Researcher)
Josep Ferré Torres (Industrial Predoctoral Researcher)
Benavent-Claró A.; Granados Leyva S.; Pagonabarraga I.; Ledesma-Aguilar R.; Hernández-Machado A. Enhanced Imbibition in Liquid-Infused Coated Microchannels. 2024, Langmuir , 40, 50. 10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c03514.
Leyva S.G.; Pagonabarraga I.; Hernández-Machado A.; Ledesma-Aguilar R. Capillary imbibition in lubricant-coated channels. 2024 , Physical Review Fluids, 9, 7, L072002. 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.9.L072002.
Modelling of chemotactic sprouting endothelial cells through an extracellular matrix. Ferre-Torres J.; Noguera-Monteagudo A.; Lopez-Canosa A.; Romero-Arias J.R.; Barrio R.; Castaño O.; Hernandez-Machado A. 2023, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 11, 1145550. Doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2023.1145550
Altered blood rheology in multiwidth microchannels: Hematocrit and tonicity variation. Riera-Llobet C.; Méndez-Mora L.; Cabello-Fusarés M.; Hernández-Machado A. 2023, Physics of Fluids, 35, 8, 082017. Doi: 10.1063/5.0154713
Vesicle formation induced by thermal fluctuations. Gallen A.F.; Romero-Arias J.R.; Barrio R.A.; Hernandez-Machado A. 2023, Soft Matter, 19, 16. Doi: 10.1039/d2sm01167k
Normalization of Blood Viscosity According to the Hematocrit and the Shear Rate. Trejo-Soto C., Hernández-Machado A. Micromachines, 13, 3, 357, 2022
Microfluidics Approach to the Mechanical Properties of Red Blood Cell Membrane and Their Effect on Blood Rheology. Trejo-Soto C., Lázaro G.R., Pagonabarraga I., Hernández-Machado A. Membranes, 12 , 2, 217, 2022
Dynamical shapes of droplets of cyclodextrin-surfactant solutions. Romero-Arias J.R., Luviano A.S., Costas M., Hernandez-Machado A., Barrio R.A. Scientific Reports , 12, 1, 5252, 2022
Membrane rigidity regulates E. coli proliferation rates. Salinas-Almaguer S., Mell M., Almendro-Vedia V.G., Calero M., Robledo-Sánchez K.C.M., Ruiz-Suarez C., Alarcón T., Barrio R.A., Hernández-Machado A., Monroy F. Scientific Reports, 12, 1, 933, 2022
Pitting of malaria parasites in microfluidic devices mimicking spleen interendothelial slits. Elizalde-Torrent A., Trejo-Soto C., Méndez-Mora L., Nicolau M., Ezama O., Gualdrón-López M., Fernández-Becerra C., Alarcón T., Hernández-Machado A., del Portillo H.A. Scientific Reports. 2021, 11, 1, 22099.
On Gaussian curvature and membrane fission. Rueda-Contreras M.D., Gallen A.F., Romero-Arias J.R., Hernandez-Machado A., Barrio R.A. Scientific Reports. 2021, 11, 1, 9562.
Red blood cells in low Reynolds number flow: A vorticity-based characterization of shapes in two dimensions. Gallen A.F., Castro M., Hernandez-Machado A. Soft Matter. 2021, 17, 42.
The dynamics of shapes of vesicle membranes with time dependent spontaneous curvature. Barrio R.A., Alarcon T., Hernandez-Machado A. PLoS ONE, 2020, 15(1), e0227562
Controlling shapes in a coaxial flow focusing microfluidic device: Experiments and theory. Rodriguez-Trujillo R., Kim-Im Y-H., Hernandez-Machado A. Micromachines, 2020, 11(1), 85.
An integrated detection method for flow viscosity measurements in
microdevices. Rodriguez-Villarreal A.I., Ortega-Tana L. Cid, J., Hernandez-Machado A., Alarcon T., Miribel-Catala P.L., Colomer-Farrarons, J. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 01266, 2020
Biomecánica a la microescala y microfluídica: experimentos y teoría. PID2022-137994NB-I00. IP: Aurora Hernandez Machado. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. (2023-2026)
Microfluidica y Biomembranas: Experimentos y teoría. PID2019-106063GB-I00. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. IP: Aurora Hernandez Machado. 2020-2023
Biomechanics of biofluids and biomembranes at the microscale: Experiments and
theory. Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO), Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia. FIS2016-78883-C2-1-P, 2017-20. IP: A. Hernandez-Machado. 2017-2020
Towards novel nano-scale technologies based on phoretic flow effects
(NANOPHLOW) HORIZON 2020 FET-Open research and innovation actions (H2020- FETOPEN-1-2016-2017). European Union. Participant: Aurora Hernandez-Machado. 2014-2020