The Magnetic Interactions and Molecular Magnetism research group is dedicated to the Chemistry of Coordination of polynuclear compounds, whether they are discrete aggregates or monodimensional, two-dimensional or three-dimensional species, making their synthesis, structural characterization and magnetic studies (measures of magnetic susceptibility , magnetization and paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy). At present, special attention is paid to the complexes built from enantiomerically pure chiral ligands that allows the direct synthesis of chiral coordination compounds that can be useful in the search of multifunctional systems in which optical or emissive properties could be combined with its magnetic response. The objectives of the research are: 1) to find magnetic-structural relationships based on the magnetic and structural data of the new complexes in order to expand the field of these relationships and to predict and synthesize new polynuclear species with predetermined magnetic properties; 2) to reach the formation of new molecular magnets (SIM or SMM), either from discrete species of high nuclearity through the use of ions with strong anisotropy (Mn (III) or lanthanides) that can give rise to the formation of complexes in a fundamental state of high spin and/or large anisotropy; 3) to study the effect of the enantiopure systems in supramolecular chirality; 4) study mixed valence manganese species that behave as models of bioinorganic processes.
Albert Escuer Fité (Full Professor) albert.escuer(at)
Mohamed Salah El Fallah (Full Professor)
Júlia Mayans Ayats (Tenure-Track Lecturer)
Annia Tubau Ribot (Predoctoral Researcher)
Joan Serra Castelló (Predoctoral Researcher)
Ernesto Costa Villén (Predoctoral Researcher)
Sergio Caballero Gutierrez (Predoctoral Researcher)
Pilichos E.; Font-Bardia M.; Aullón G.; Mayans J.; Escuer A. Family of Quasi-Isotropic MnII and Mn2II Complexes Exhibiting Slow Relaxation of the Magnetization. 2024, Inorganic Chemistry, 63, 43. 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c02826.
Costa-Villén E.; Font-Bardia M.; Mayans J.; Escuer A. Field-Induced Slow Relaxation of the Magnetization in Two Families of [MIILnIII] Complexes. 2024, Crystal Growth and Design, 24, 13. 10.1021/acs.cgd.4c00598.
Tubau I.; Rodríguez L.; Pander P.; Weatherill L.; Dias F.B.; Font-Bardía M.; Vicente R. Slow magnetic relaxation and luminescence properties in β-diketonate lanthanide(iii) complexes. Preparation of Eu(iii) and Yb(iii) OLED devices. 2024, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 12, 22. 10.1039/d4tc00902a.
Athanasopoulou A.A.; Abbasi P.; Alexandropoulos D.I.; Hayward J.J.; Beavers C.M.; Teat S.J.; Wernsdorfer W.; Mayans J.; Escuer A.; Pilkington M.; Stamatatos T.C. A Nanosized {NiII18} Cluster with a ‘Flying Saucer’ Topology Exhibiting Slow Relaxation of Magnetisation Phenomena at Both 15 K and 1.3 K. 2024, Chemistry – A European Journal. 10.1002/chem.202403462.
Field-Induced Slow Magnetic Relaxation in a New Family of Tetranuclear Double-Stranded Cu2II-Ln2III Metallohelicates. Caballero S.; Pilichos E.; Font-Bardia M.; Mayans J.; Escuer A. 2023, Crystal Growth and Design, 23, 5. Doi: 10.1021/acs.cgd.3c00121
Slow Magnetic Relaxation in Silver(II) Macrocyclic Systems. Serra J.; Font-Bardia M.; Escuer A.; Mayans J. 2023, Inorganic Chemistry, 62, 46. Doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c02265
Magnetic and optical studies of a new family of multidimensional and multiproperty PO-lanthanide(iii) derived systems. Pilichos E.; Tubau I.; Speed S.; Font-Bardia M.; Escuer A.; Grabulosa A.; Mayans J. 2023, Dalton Transactions, 52, 8. Doi: 10.1039/d2dt03621e
Slow magnetic relaxation for cobalt(ii) complexes in axial bipyramidal environment: an S = 1/2 spin case. Pilichos E., Font-Bardia M., Cano J., Escuer A., Mayans J. Dalton Transactions, 51, 23, 8986, 2022
Quasi-isotropic SMMs: Slow relaxation of the magnetization in polynuclear CuII/MnIIcomplexes. Pilichos E., Bhunia P., Font-Bardia M., Ghosh A., Mayans J., Escuer A. Dalton Transactions, 51, 5, 1779, 2022
Moutzouris N., Moushi E.E., Tziotzi T.G., Tarlas G.D., Tasiopoulos A.J., Escuer A., Papaefstathiou G.S. Moutzouris N., Moushi E.E., Tziotzi T.G., Tarlas G.D., Tasiopoulos A.J., Escuer A., Papaefstathiou G.S. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2022, 12, e202200024, 2022.
Insights into the Spin Dynamics of Mononuclear Cerium(III) Single-Molecule Magnets. Mautner F.A., Bierbaumer F., Fischer R.C., Tubau À., Speed S., Ruiz E., Massoud S.S., Vicente R., Gómez-Coca S. Inorganic Chemistry, 61, 29, 11124, 2022
Exploring the Role of Intramolecular Interactions in the Suppression of Quantum Tunneling of the Magnetization in a 3d-4f Single-Molecule Magnet. Akhtar M.N., Aldamen M.A., Mcmillen C.D., Escuer A., Mayans J. Inorganic Chemistry. 2021, 60, 13
Single-Ion Anisotropy and Intramolecular Interactions in CeIIIand NdIIIDimers. Mayans J., Tesi L., Briganti M., Boulon M.-E., Font-Bardia M., Escuer A., Sorace L. Inorganic Chemistry. 2021, 60, 12
Structural and magnetic studies of mononuclear lanthanide complexes derived from N-rich chiral Schiff bases. Pilichos E., Font-Bardia M., Escuer A., Mayans J. Dalton Transactions. 2021, 50, 5
Correlating the axial Zero Field Splitting with the slow magnetic relaxation in GdIIISIMs. Mayans J., Escuer A. Chemical Communications. 2021, 57, 6
Na2Mn III 6 LnIII clusters with a non-equivalent core: Chiral: Vs. meso isomerism. Mayans J., Font-Bardia M., Escuer A. Dalton Transactions. 2020, 49(14)
Rare nuclearities in Ni(II) cluster chemistry: An unprecedented (Ni12) nanosized cage from the use of N-naphthalidene-2-amino-5-chlorobenzoic acid. Perlepe P.S., Pantelis K.N., Cunha-Silva L., Bekiari V., Escuer A., Stamatatos T.C. Inorganics. 2020, 8(5)
Clústeres quirales de cationes d/f: nuevos materiales multipropiedad magnéticos y/o luminiscentes y/o ferroelectricos. Aplicaciones de clusters de Manganeso como antoixidantes. PGC2018-094031-B-I00. IP: Albert Escuer Fite. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. 2019-2022