Laboratory of Molecular Design (LabMolDesign)

Department Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Faculty Chemistry
Research Areas: NanoMagnetics


At the LabMolDesign we pursue the design and preparation of molecular or supramolecular systems with multifunctional properties for spintronic applications. We focus mainly on the combination of magnetic properties (single molecule magnets -SMMs-, spin crossover -SCO- molecules or molecular quantum bits and quantum gates) with optical properties like fluorescent emission or reversible photoswitching by using the right combination of ligands and metals together with fine synthetic methodologies and skills. One major asset in our group to study unique optical properties has been the discovery of a unique synthetic method to prepare various families of pure heterometallic complexes of lanthanides. This allows unprecedented investigations of synergies between different Ln ions within molecules. For the photoswitching, we incorporate dithienylethene moieties into ligands capable to assemble functional coordination complexes.
SCO supramolecular helicates exhibiting magnetic photo-switching and capable to encapsulate functional guests are prepared and studied in the group. 


Molecular quantum bits (qubits) and quantum gates (qugates) that use the electronic spin as elementary unit of quantum information are prepared with transition metals and lanthanides. Quantum gates assemble two or three qubits entangled and not equivalent for individual addressing. The quantum coherent properties of these systems are investigated and the molecules are incorporated (in the context of a consortium) into quantum electrodynamic devices with the aim to build hybrid quantum processors. 


SCO crystals capable to exchange small molecules with the environment are studied as chemosensors. Crystallographic phase transitions coupled to magnetic transitions (reversible or irreversible) involving metastable states, are studied with these materials. 


Exploiting functional molecules for spintronic applications or quantum technologies is one of the ultimate goals of our research. We are preparing molecules in the appropriate format to be accessed and addressed externally. This implies preparing them as dopants in crystalline lattices so as to influence them in a similar manner as defects in diamond, localizing then onto substrates so as to manipulate them at the single-molecule scale or facilitating useful mechanisms of read out spin-quantum information, such as an optical response. 

