Title: Design, synthesis, and in vitro, in silico and in cellulo evaluation of new pyrimidine and pyridine amide and carbamate derivatives as multi-functional cholinesterase inhibitors

Authors: Bortolami, M.; Pandolfi, F.; Tudino, V.; Messore, A.; Madia, VN.; De Vita, D.; Di Santo, R.; Costi, R.; Romeo, I.; ALcaro, S.; Colone, M.; Stringaro, A.; Espargaró, A.; Sabate, R; Scipione, L.
Journal: Pharmaceuticals
Vol: 15
Number: 6
Start page: 673
Last page:
DOI: doi
Institutional repositories: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/191491
Year: 2022
Key: Article
