Photocatalytic H2 production over crystalline ZnO nanowires from ethanol(aq) in gas phase

Categorías: IN2UB

ZnO nanowires (NWs) with wurzite structure and a very high [0001] preferred orientation were grown on a ZnO thin film, from a gas-solid process, in the absence of catalyst. ZnO NWs were characterized by FESEM, XRD, HRTEM, XPS, PL and Raman spectroscopy and used as photocatalysts for the photo-transformation of ethanol(aq) in the gas phase. The existence of different defects such as oxygen vacancies was evidenced. The photocatalytic process was followed by in-situ diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy (DRIFTS) coupled to on-line mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. The surface species determined during the irradiation (λ = 365 nm) of ZnO NWs under ethanol/water vapor flow at room temperature are related with the hydrogen production and carbon containing products evolved.

NanoEnergy (Catalysis and Advanced Inorganic Materials) & NanosMat (Materials for Energy, Photonics and Catalysis (ENPHOCAMAT)) Research Areas collaboration

H2 generation from aqueous ethanol over ZnO nanowires, the photo-transformation of surface speciesN. Homs, A. C. Sola, P. R. Martínez-Alanis, X. Alcobé, F. Güell, P. Ramírez de la PiscinaInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Jan 2024.
