IN²UB Annual Meeting – 26/06/2024

Categorías: Actividades

IN²UB Annual Meeting

Inhouse meeting, on its 12th Edition for IN²UB members. The event will take place on 26th June at the Aula Magna and Solar Atrium of the Faculties of Chemistry and Physics


9:00h – 9:30h Registration

9:30h – 9:40h Welcome&Opening: Prof. Guillem Aromí, IN²UB Director & Laboratory of Molecular Design (LabMolDesign) (NanoMagnetics)

SESSION I – Chaired by Dr. Giancarlo Franzese, Statistical Physics of Bio-Nano Systems Complex Matter (NanoMet).

9:40h – 10:40h Plenary – Zoom in: from seeing to experiment in a nanolaboratory.  Prof. Francesca Peiró, Laboratory of Electron Nanoscopies (LENS)- Micro and Nanotechnology and nanoscopies for Electronic and Electrophotonic devices (MIND) (NanoMet).

10:45h – 11:10h 2022–ART grantee (ART1): Development of chemoresistive gas sensors made from metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for early thermal runaway detection in Lithium-ion batteries. Prof. Albert Romano, Micro and Nanotechnology and nanoscopies for Electronic and Electrophotonic Devices (MIND). (NanoPhotoElectro&NanosMat collaboration). (* as the Group Responsible, the IP can’t attend).

11:10h – 11:50h Coffee Break & Poster Session I (from Poster 1 to 36)

SESSION II – Chaired by Prof.  Mª José Garcia-Celma, Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology (NanoPharmaMed)

11:50h – 12:15h 2022–ART grantee (ART2): Hierarchically nanostructured transition metal carbides and MXenes on carbon felt for CO2 reduction and green H2 production (2IPs): Dr. Stefanos Chaitoglou*, ENPHOCAMAT group (NanosMat) & Dr. Xavier Vendrell, MATCAT group (NanoEnergy) (* Speaker).

12:15h – 12:35h Oral (O1): Anti-ferroelectric dark modes in an inverted plasmonic lattice. Javier Rodríguez, Group of Magnetic Nanomaterials (NanoMagnetics).

12:35h – 12:55h Oral (O2): Smart gel-dispersed calcium hydroxide-loaded nanoparticles for endodontics. Xavier Roig, Nanostructured systems for controlled drug delivery group. (NanoPharmaMed).

12:55h – 13:15h Oral (O3): Machine Learning Strategies for Low-Loss Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy. Vanessa Costa, Laboratory of Electron Nanoscopies (LENS)- Micro and Nanotechnology and nanoscopies for Electronic and Electrophotonic devices (MIND) (NanoMet).

13:15h – 15:00h Lunch & Networking

SESSION III –  Chaired by Dr. Teresa Andreu, Sustainable Electrochemical Processes (NanoEnergy)

15:00h – 15:25h 2022–ART grantee (ART3): ELectronic and PHOtoelectronic properties of multifunctional Semiconducting nanostructures (ELPHOS). Dr. Adriana Figueroa, Group of Magnetic Nanomaterials (NanoMagnetics&NanoPhotoElectro&NanoBio Collaboration).

15:25h – 15:50 h 2023–ART grantee (ART4): Magnonic wrinkles. Dr. Blai Casals, Grup de Magnetisme (NanoMagnetics&NanoEnergy Collaboration).

15:50h – 16:10h Oral (O4): Scanless and Camera-Free Fd-Flim With Frequency Encoded Light. Dr. Laura Rodríguez Suñé, LASER- Micro and Nanotechnology and Nanoscopies for Electronic and Electrophotonic Devices (MIND) (NanoPhotoElectro).

16:10h – 16:30h Oral (O5): Mathematical model of fluid front dynamics driven by porous media pumps. Andreu Benavent, Physics in Nanobiophysics (NanoBio).

16:30h – 17:10h Coffee Break & Poster Session II (from Poster 37 to 72)

SESSION IV – Chaired by Dr. Núria Gavara, Biophysics and Bioengineering Unit (NanoBio)

17:10h – 17:30h Oral (O6): Motion and control of virtual colloidal particles in confined chiral liquid crystals. Joel Torres, SOC&SAM group (NanosMat)

17:30h – 17:50h Oral (O7): Magnetic nanocomposites for radar shielding applications. Dr. Jaume Calvo, Grup de Magnetisme (NanoMagnetics).

17:50h – 18:10 Oral (O8): Usage of Polypurine Reverse Hoogsteen Hairpins for Therapeutic Intervention Against SARS-CoV-2. Prof. Verónica Noé, Cancer Therapy Group (NanoBio).

18:10h – 18:30h Oral (O9): Carbides, MAX and MXenes as co-catalysts in nanocomposites for the h2 photoproduction from bioetanol. Adrià Sánchez, MATCAT group (NanoEnergy)

18:30h – 18:50h Poster award

18:50h – 19h Closing Remarks: Prof. Martí Duocastella, IN²UB Deputy Director & LASER- Micro and Nanotechnology and Nanoscopies for Electronic and Electrophotonic Devices (MIND) (NanoPhotoElectro).


