Observing the primary steps of ion solvation in helium droplets. SH. Albrechtsen, CA. Schouder, A. Viñas Muñoz, JK. Christensen, C. Engelbrecht Petersen, M. Pi, M. Barranco & H. Stapelfeldt. 2023, Nature, 623, 7986. Doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06593-5
Self-sustained deformable rotating liquid He cylinders: The pure normal fluid 3 He and superfluid 4 He cases. Pi M.; Ancilotto F.; Barranco M.; Butler S.L.; Escartín J.M. 2023, Physical Review B, 108, 5, 054524. Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.054524
Nanoscopic jets and filaments of superfluid 4He at zero temperature: A DFT study. Ancilotto F.; Barranco M.; Pi M. 2023, Journal of Chemical Physics, 158, 14, 144306. Doi: 10.1063/5.0143399
Merging of superfluid helium nanodroplets with vortices. Escartín J.M., Ancilotto F., Barranco M., Pi M. Physical Review B, 105, 2, 24511, 2022
Clustering, collision, and relaxation dynamics in pure and doped helium nanoclusters: Density- vs particle-based approaches. García-Alfonso E., Barranco M., Bonhommeau D.A., Halberstadt N., Pi M., Calvo F. Journal of Chemical Physics, 157, 1, 14106, 2022
Ultrafast Resonant Interatomic Coulombic Decay Induced by Quantum Fluid Dynamics. Laforge A.C., Michiels R., Ovcharenko Y., Ngai A., Escartín J.M., Berrah N., Callegari C., Clark A., Coreno M., Cucini R., Di Fraia M., Drabbels M., Fasshauer E., Finetti P., Giannessi L., Grazioli C., Iablonskyi D., Langbehn B., Nishiyama T., Oliver V., Piseri P., Plekan O., Prince K.C., Rupp D., Stranges S., Ueda K., Sisourat N., Eloranta J., Pi M., Barranco M., Stienkemeier F., Möller T., Mudrich M. Physical Review X. 2021, 11, 2, 021011.
Coexistence of vortex arrays and surface capillary waves in spinning prolate superfluid He 4 nanodroplets. Pi M., Escartín J.M., Ancilotto F., Barranco M. Physical Review B. 2021, 104, 9, 094509
Unravelling the full relaxation dynamics of superexcited helium nanodroplets. Asmussen J.D., Michiels R., Dulitz K., Ngai A., Bangert U., Barranco M., Binz M., Bruder L., Danailov M., Di Fraia M., Eloranta J., Feifel R., Giannessi L., Pi M., Plekan O., Prince K.C., Squibb R.J., Uhl D., Wituschek A., Zangrando M., Callegari C., Stienkemeier F., Mudrich M. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2021, 23, 28
Dynamics of Photoexcited Cs Atoms Attached to Helium Nanodroplets. Rendler N., Scognamiglio A., Barranco M., Pi M., Halberstadt N., Dulitz K., Stienkemeier F. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2021, 125, 41
Dynamics of equilibration and collisions in ultradilute quantum droplets. V. Cikojević, L. Vranješ Markić, M. Pi, M. Barranco, F. Ancilotto, and J. Boronat. Phys. Rev. Research. 2021, 3, 043139
Ultrafast relaxation of photoexcited superfluid He nanodroplets. Mudrich M., LaForge A.C., Ciavardini A., O’Keeffe P., Callegari C., Coreno M., Demidovich A., Devetta M., Fraia M.D., Drabbels M., Finetti P., Gessner O., Grazioli C., Hernando A., Neumark D.M., Ovcharenko Y., Piseri P., Plekan O., Prince K.C., Richter R., Ziemkiewicz M.P., Möller T., Eloranta J., Pi M., Barranco M., Stienkemeier F. Nature Communications, 2020, 11(1)
Angular momentum in rotating superfluid droplets. S.M.O. O’Connell, R.M.P. Tanyag, D. Verma, Ch. Bernando, W. Pang, C. Bacellar, C.A. Saladrigas, J. Mahl, B.W. Toulson, Y. Kumagai, P. Walter, F. Ancilotto, M. Barranco, M. Pi, Ch. Bostedt, O. Gessner, and A.F. Vilesov. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2020, 124, 215301.
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Rotating mixed 3He-4He nanodroplets. M. Pi, F. Ancilotto J. M. Escartín, R. Mayol, and M. Barranco. Phys. Rev. B 2020, 102, 060502(R).
Towards a quantum Monte Carlo–based density functional including finite-range effects: Excitation modes of a 39K quantum droplet. V. Cikojevic, L. Vranjes Markic, M. Pi, M. Barranco, and J. Boronat. Phys. Rev. A, 2020, 102, 033335.