Seminar: «Birds, magnets, soap, and sandblasting: surprising connections in the theory of incompressible flocks»More information
Research Seminar: “Metalloporphyrin frameworks for a hybrid quantum computation arquitecture”More information
Seminari de Recerca: «Surfing on active carpets: Nutrients currents driven by bacterial clusters and turbulence»More information
Research Seminar: «Quantum phenomena and applications of thermoelectric materials from nano to bulk»More information
Seminari Internacional de Recerca IN2UB: «Sensing the Matrix: Transducing Mechanical Signals from Integrins to the Nucleus»More information
Research Seminar:»New insights into structure and accessibility of the allomorphic forms of cellulose»More information
IN2UB International Research Seminar: «Optical and Magnetic Molecular Switches: from Solid State to Solution»More information
SEMINARI IN2UB: Ultrafast and Very Small: Discover Nanoscale Magnetism With Picosecond Time Resolution Using X-RaysMore information
SEMINARI INTERN IN2UB: Clues and pitfalls of advanced TEM in some materials for optoelectronics and energy applicationsMore information
IN2UB SEMINAR: Peptide binding to lipid monolayers and bilayers: how to get valuable and useful informationMore information
SEMINARI IN2UB: «Functionalized Hybrid Nanomagnets: New Materials for Innovations in Energy Storage and Medical Theranostics»More information
Seminari Intern IN2UB: «Deconstruyendo la lignocelulosa. Enzimas microbianas para aplicaciones industriales y ambientales»More information
SEMINARI INTERN IN2UB: “Fabrication and characterization of opto-electronic materialsMore information
Seminari Intern IN2UB: «Tuning nanomagnets through nanostructuring and proximity effects»More information
Seminari de Recerca IN2UB:“Hyaluronan-based materials as controlled drug delivery Systems”More information
Research Seminar IN2UB: «Nanomaterials: Good or evil? ZnO nanoparticles as an example»More information
Effects of Fe oxide nanoparticle size and structure on reactivity and bioavailabilityMore information
IN2UB Internal Seminar: Fabrication and characterization of opto-electronic materialsMore information
IN2UB Internal Seminar: Rheological studies inside living cells with optical tweezers: from calibration-based methods to direct force measurementsMore information
IN2UB Internal Seminar : Choleserol-phospholipid integration integration in monolayers revisited: surface thermodynamics and AFM-FS studyMore information
9th International Conference Engineering of Chemical Complexity Chair of the conference: Francesc SaguésMore information
Department of Biomedical Sciences-IN2UB Meeting July 9th 2019 at Aula Magna Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (Campus Clinic)More information