Electrochemical assessment of high active area of cobalt deposited in deep eutectic solvent to improve the preparation of nanostructured materials

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Nanostructured materials with a highly efficient active area are crucial for advancement in the fields of electrocatalytic energy conversion, energy storage or biomedicine. This work, led by Thin-film and Nanostructure electrodeposition Group, achieves for cobalt electrodeposits, the two main challenges that must always be addressed to confirm the goal. Establishing the optimal conditions to enhance the active area and, providing a practical and simple methodology in situ to qualitatively test the increase in the active area.

Electrochemical assessment of high active area of cobalt deposited in deep eutectic solvent. Serrà A., Sebastián-Pascual P., Landa-Castro M., Gómez E.  Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Volume 896, 1 September 2021, Article number 115177
