Una col·laboració multidisciplinar a l’IN²UB rep una ajuda Llavor, de la Generalitat de Catalunya, per desenvolupar un nanotransportador de fàrmacs controlat per llum, amb aplicacions a la teràpia i diagnòstic del càncer

Categories: Notícies

A highlighted collaboration between NanoPharmaMed & NanoPhotoElectro & NanoMagnetics Research Areas to develop a drug nanocarrier controlled by light, with applications in cancer therapy and diagnosis

The project, that recieved a Llavor grant from the Generalitat de Catalunya, has potential applications in cancer therapy, but also in its diagnosis, will be carried out by a multidisciplinary collaboration, led by Dr. Ana Belén Caballero (Nanoscience and Bio-Inorganic Chemistry (nanoBIC)), with researchers from Micro and Nanotechnology and nanoscopies for Electronic and Electrophotonic Devices (MIND) and Group of Magnetic Nanomaterials.

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