School on Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics, 7-11th of April 2025, Barcelona

Categories: Activitats, Notícies

It is with great pleasure that we announce a School on Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics to be held at the Facultat de Fisica of the University of Barcelona on the days 7-11th of April 2025. Lectures will be held on the topìcs of classical and quantum statistical physics by 5 prestigious lecturers in the field: Andrea Crisanti (La Sapienza University, Rome), Leticia Cugliandolo (Sorbonne University, Paris), Jorge Kurchan (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris), Luca Peliti (Federico II University, Napoli), Angelo Vulpiani (La Sapienza University, Rome).

Lectures will run from Monday, April 7th, to Friday, April 11th, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 9th, will be devoted to a mini-workshop on Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics open to all researchers.

The school is free and open to everyone. It is addressed to advanced undergraduate, master’s and PhD students, postdocs, professors, and everyone interested in learning about this fascinating topic.

To attend, please register at the website: noneqstatphys

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