Title: Patterning enhanced tetragonality in BiFeO3 thin films with effective negative pressure by helium implantation

Authors: Toulouse, C.; Fischer, J.; Farokhipoor, S.; Yedra, L.; Carlà, F.; Jarnac, A.; Elkaim, E. ; Fertey, P.; Audinot, J.-N.; Wirtz, T.; Noheda, B.; Garcia, V.;Fusil, S.; Peral Alonso, I. ; Guennou, M. and Kreisel, J.
Journal: Physical Review Materials
Vol: 5
Number: 2
Start page: 024404
Last page:
DOI: doi
Institutional repositories: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/174711
Year: 2021
Key: Article
